Not Quite the End

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Caroline found herself laying in a bright green field. Opening her eyes and sitting up she saw a bright blue sky with clouds and rocks floating in the open sky. Rocks? Looking around she found bright yellow flowers spread around in the green grass.

She took a deep breath, realizing she was in control of her body. She stood up, looking around in confusion. She moved her body around just to make sure she was really in charge. She leaned down to pet a flower.

"Do you like the flower?" An echoing voice asked. Caroline stood up, looking around until she found the owner of the voice. It was a person, but his face was covered in shadow and Caroline didn't recognize him.

"Who are you?" Caroline asked, joyful that she was in control of her words.

"That does not currently concern you," The mysterious man said in his gentle booming voice.

"Where am I?" Caroline asks. Caroline blinked and suddenly the man was gone. She gasped and turned around to find him walking in a different direction in a completely different spot.

"You may understand in time, but unfortunately this is not the time," He responded. His voice carried wisdom and wise words. "You must understand that your elemental powers are unique. They are in fact, not an element at all."

"What does that mean?" Caroline became more confused by the minute. Another blink and he was gone, to the right of her now. She tried to follow him this time as he walked through the field.

"Your powers are unknown to me," the man explained. "They use you as a holder, but are an individual being altogether." Caroline suddenly thought this man was crazy, but wise at the same time.

"I don't understand."

"You will," He replied. "For now let me say, you are a hero and I thank you for that. We may never see each other again, but know it is time."

"Time for what?" Caroline asked, but this time there was no response. Thousands of flower petals surrounded Caroline and she departed the beautiful scene.


Caroline gasped and began coughing. Once she caught her breath she became aware of her surroundings. A pain in her side told her she had a wound and looking down she saw blood pooling on the ground. Looking closer she noticed that a blackish liquid was also present.

Caroline was in control. She stood up, realizing that the pain in her side wasn't that bad. It wasn't even bleeding as Caroline looked at the gash. She noticed some talking and looked up to see the ninja trapped in a barrier on the ground, exactly where they were before.

She wasn't making the barrier. She looked around, worried her father was still somehow in control, but she found him a moment later, trapped close by in a barrier. The domes on the ground were not made by Caroline.

She processed this information as her father gave a relieved sigh and the sound of grateful ninja could be heard. Caroline turned to her father and remembered a strange man. It was a strange dream, but she thought it might hold some truth.

She put her hand to the barrier and her father put his hand in the same spot. He looked so relieved. "You're back," He said through the barrier, but Caroline could hear him. "Now let me out."

"I am not in control," Caroline told him. Instead of explaining she walked away to address the ninja. She felt pleasure in leaving her father and turned her attention to the ninja.

"You are okay!" Cole exclaimed. "Now you can put down the barrier, right?" Caroline looked at the standing ninja and was grateful they were all conscious.

"This isn't me, it's my powers," Caroline explained. "They reside in me, but they are not mine. They are dangerous in the wrong hands and powerful in the right ones."

"What do you mean they aren't yours?" Lloyd asked.

"I think she lost too much blood," Jay commented. "But if she can't let us out,"

"I need to give up my powers," Caroline decided. It suddenly made sense. If her powers were a living thing they could live on their own, right? If they were dangerous for Ninjago they could find another place to go.

"You can't do that!" Caroline jumped at the sound of her father's frantic voice. Somehow he had moved and was now standing right beside the ninja's dome. "That's all I have left of her."

"Mom doesn't just live through my powers," Caroline turned to her father. "She lives through me, through Jennefer. Through you." Mr. Garse looked at Caroline, on the verge of tears. "We keep her memory alive by doing what she would want us to do."

"She would want you to become the hero of Ninjago," Mr. Garse said determinedly.

"You were trying to make her the hero?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, she could have just joined us," Lloyd agreed. "You didn't have to destroy us." Caroline listened to them argue. As she thought about it she began to have a deeper understanding.

"Mom didn't need to be recognized," Caroline needed to make her dad understand. "She never meant for me to be a hero like the ninja. The world needed me to be a different hero."

"What other hero is there?" Mr. Garse wasn't going to give up the fight.

"There are many definitions of hero," Caroline realized. "The ninjas are heroes, yes. I am a hero because I helped so many people after I ran away. Jennefer's my hero because she helped me survive on my own."

"A hero is not someone who saves the world," Jenefer spoke up. She walked to the barrier and looked at Caroline. "But someone who you can look up to, someone who is admired for their traits."

"Those traits don't just have to be courage or determination," Caroline agreed. "But also selflessness and kindness and Love."

"But," Mr. Garse sounded defeated as he realized how wrong he was. "I always thought of the hero saving the world, saving lives, and being recognized for their heroism."

"You're my hero," Caroline walked up to the barrier separating her and her father. "You raised me when mom couldn't. But now I am afraid, to be honest. You've done terrible things that I can't find in my heart to forgive yet. But maybe one day I will forgive you."

Caroline put her hand on the barrier and it disappeared. Mr. Garse didn't move but looked at Caroline with sadness and regret. Caroline turned to the other barrier and put her hand on it, absorbing the power. She put her hand out to the ninja, telling them not to attack her.

"Jennefer," Caroline walked up to her. "Let me see your necklace." Jennefer took off the necklace and Caroline did the same. She held both in one hand and covered them with her other. Concentrating on the powers inside the necklaces, a faint glow came from her cupped hands.

Caroline gave the necklace back to Jennefer, noticing the once blue crystal was now its original misty white. Caroline put her necklace back on and backed away from the ninja. She put her arms out and looked at everyone's faces. Her own worries and uncertainties were reflected on their faces, but everyone was silent.

Caroline took a deep breath and closed her eyes, concentrating on the energy within herself.

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