33. Inductio ~ {The Induction}

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It was unlike Evelyn Brose to be unnerved by many situations. Currently, she was holding her hands and moving them together in a wringing motion every now and then. Cassy wondered if she should approach her at all. She had been watching her for the better part of ten minutes while they both waited in the largest parlor for everyone else to gather. 

Cassy removed her gaze from her mother's hands and watched the hallway instead. At any moment they would be surrounded by her coven and the key trackers of Papa Cass's Motorcycle club. Cassy hoped they would come up with a plan. She didn't know how to handle seeing her invincible mother like this.

The scent preceded the owner of it. Cassy and Evelyn both stood as the footsteps sounded closer and then the man was at the door. Cassy threw herself at him, her arms wrapped tightly about his neck while she pressed her cheek to his and squealed.

"PAPA CASS! It's been forever! I'm so happy to see you!" Cassy clung to him for only a moment more before she let go to walk behind him and embrace her brother Ryan. 

"Welcome back to the living brother," Cassy spoke softly.

While Cassy led Ryan over to one of the many sofa's and couches in the room, Evelyn Brose had her posture and position fixed to face Caspian.

"Evelyn." He only spoke one word while his lips turned up in a soft smile. He opened his arms and was embraced quickly by the fiery-haired witch.

"Caspian, you dog. How have you left us alone for so long?" Evelyn's tears leaked from her eyes without smudging her makeup. She looked even more beautiful while crying.

People began to crowd the doorway. Caspian and Evelyn released their embrace while Evelyn began to fret about refreshments and seating. She moved quickly about the room helping to arrange and configure it better for the meeting. 

Cassy sat beside Ryan while she tried to force cubes of seared steak into his mouth. The meat would strengthen him more quickly than broth.

Once Sebastian and Scott were inside and they accounted for the coven members and key trackers, the door was locked. Evelyn spelled the room to keep it soundproof so their meeting could begin. Caspian centered himself in the parlor and began to speak.

"We will keep this as brief as possible so that we can begin the search. First I want to introduce myself. I am Caspian Brose, as many of you have noticed I am Scott's twin brother. We are identical twins with a small difference owing to experience. I am also a witch." 

Caspian paused for a moment to look around, he expected questions but there were none, all of the coven members were listening, their attention rapt.

"Under normal circumstances, your coven would be formed by your leader, Ruby. However, since she is not available and we need to keep you guys legal I am going to step in as leader until Ruby is found. That way we can utilize your magic in this search without the council accusing you of impropriety." Caspian was explaining and before he could continue, Cin asked a question.

"Why couldn't Evelyn form the coven for us?" Her brow was wrinkled in a frown that Luke found pleasure in pressing away with the flat of his thumb.

"Good question. I'm sorry I don't know your names yet. I know Ryan and Cassy obviously but you are?" Caspian asked quickly while Cin actually blushed.

"Sorry about that. I'm Cinder Willows, mate to Luke Blackwell. He's Ruby's brother. Well sort of, it's a complicated situation." Cin frowned again after she'd introduced Luke to Caspian.

"Yes, I believe I am aware of the situation Cin, it's lovely to meet both you and Luke. Now, the reason why Evelyn could not form the coven is simple. She is not a wolf. This coven is strictly for wolves with magic. It was conceived of that way and it shall hold to that concept. Plus the council are being dicks about it. Literally trying to exclude you because they know their days are now numbered."

"Let's not get into that right now Caspian, we need to find Ruby before we worry about saving the world." Scott stood and patted Caspian's shoulder gently to get his focus back.

"Right, so we need to set the charter, and induct all of you and then we can head out to begin the search. I understand Evelyn has schooled all of you on the spells we will be using most during our mission?" Caspian was all business as he looked around meeting the eyes of every coven member.

Kieran had kept silent all of this time. He was always awash in Brother's emotion these days. The last six days had been hell on him. He was new at being a wolf and holding Brother back was tiring. When Caspian's eyes meet Kierans he nodded and spoke.

"Hi, I'm Cassy's mate. My name is Kieran." He didn't think he needed to add anything else. He was surprised when Caspian approached him and embraced him

"It must be difficult keeping your wolf at bay. Don't worry, you will get to set him loose before this is over. He will get his vengeance." Caspian spoke for only Kieran to hear.

Kieran nodded and stepped back. His concentration back on the task at hand.

"All right everyone. Let's form a charter!"


It took hours to discuss all the bylaws and governances. Evelyn Brose had kept the teenagers and Caspian well fed and watered while they worked through the day and night to get everything settled. Once the charter was finished and readied in the required parchment, the wolves with magic headed to the temple located on the top floor of the mansion. It would be within these walls that the induction would occur. 

"Are you sure we shouldn't take a nap first? I'm exhausted." Luke complained as they took their positions around the altar of the temple. 

"You won't need a nap after this little wolf." Caspian chuckled to himself as he prepared for the ceremony.

Caspian stood beside the altar and laid out his tools. A dagger, a bowl, and the charter. There was wax and a pen for them all to sign. He took the dagger and the bowl and beginning with Kieran, he sliced each of their palms. Caspian directed the blood to flow into the bowl for each member and then returning to the altar he added his own blood to the bowl.

Caspian uttered an incantation and without prompt, the rest of the coven joined him.

After the incantation was spoken a soft glow began to lift from the bowl that held their blood. The light grew around them until they were all within it. The golden hue began to lighten and grow stronger, as a hum was present in the air. All the members of the coven, Kieran, Cassy, Ryan, Cin, Luke, and now Caspian, raised their arms as they repeated the incantation once more.

Sicut et nos intrare in hoc regno simul nos sunt civitatum. In aeternum erimus tenetur. Sit potestate nostra fluunt tunc crescere cum intention benevolentia nisi. 

(As we enter this realm together we are united. Forever shall we be bound. Let our power flow then grow with the intention of goodwill only.)

Caspian signed the charter using the mixed blood for ink. The pen was then passed to Kieran. After each member added their name the charter was rolled and sealed with wax, until the time they would add Ruby as their next member.

The room still held the soft hum and glow of their combined magic. It was intoxicating and Cassy was getting drunk on it. She embraced Kieran tightly and lifted up on her toes to whisper in his ear.

Kieran turned a few shades of red after Cassy stepped away and he looked at her for a moment before he turned to Caspian.

"So are we ready now? We can get started?" Kieran asked eagerly.

"Now we are ready," Caspian answered.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now