29. Expectantes, Excitare ~ {Waiting To Wake Up}

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Gentle notes permeated the air to tickle at Ryan's ear drums. He inhaled deeply while rousing  from slumber. The music was in contrast with the soft sound of beeping in the room. The beeping that reminded everyone that Ruby is alive, somewhere in her silent body. Ryan pulled his phone from under his pillow to turn the musical alarm off, then set it on the bedside table.

Ryan cleared his throat as he turned to look at his comatose wife, his mate. He wondered what it would be like to wake up with her, instead of just next to her while she lingers in seemingly serene sleep. He lifted a notebook from his bedside table and laid back again to read from it.

"Good morning, mate. It's been fifty-six days since the accident. You've been in a coma, hiding out from me, for most of that. Dr. Jude did say you had a couple of moments of lucidity before the coma, but I didn't get to see that. I had to give a statement to the stupid police. Who aren't doing anything, by the way, about finding that truck, assholes." Ryan paused to listen to Ruby's heartrate. He wanted to see if anything he said would alter it. The beeping was constant, steady.

"On a much happier note, our pup is developing. I can actually hear their heartbeat now. Beau went crazy when he first picked up on it. It's amazing to listen to. I'm sure it sounds a little different when it's coming from inside yourself. I have this book, it reads that you are actually ten weeks pregnant, even though I know that it's only been eight weeks. I guess they count the two weeks before as part of it, like preparation or something. I bet you would be able to explain it better to me than this book. I've even googled about it. I understand how it works I just don't know why. You know what I mean?" Ryan paused again to listen to the monitor. Even and steady.

"Our pup has eyelids now. Their teeth are starting to harden and connect to the jawbone. There are some gross side effects that include constant salivation and extra vaginal discharge. That's some information right there." Ryan turned his head to look at Ruby and figured he'd just ask Dr. Jude about it. Ryan would look for anything worrisome when he bathed Ruby later today.

"Our pup is about the size of a kumquat." Ryan set his notebook down after he added a few more notes to the page. He would research next week's developments later. He turned to his side and moved down the bed a little. His hand settled over Ruby's abdomen as he put his head against her side.

"Good morning little pup. I read that your brain is getting big now, that's good. I hope you will be as intelligent as your mum. I hope you are getting enough food in there. Dr. Jude will be here in a little bit to put some good stuff in your mum's feeding tube. I wonder when you will be able to feel hunger?" Ryan grabbed his notebook and wrote down the question so he could look it up later.

Ryan set the notebook down as he heard a knock on the door. He checked the time and sighed, a half-hour was not enough time to wake up and get his fill of talking to Ruby before he started his day. There wasn't enough time for all the things he had to get done, all the things he needed to do just to feel like he was still a part of Ruby's life.

Ryan unlocked and answered the door. He didn't have to ask who it was, he could smell him.

"Good morning Kieran. Come on in. I was just getting ready to leave for training." Ryan opened the door and though his words were inviting his tone was not.

"How'd ya sleep, man?" Kieran asked as he walked over to Ryan's desk and pulled his desk chair over to Ruby's bedside.

"The same, nightmares. Stuff like that." Ryan sighed. He knew that Kieran was only there for the love of Ruby. His wolf wouldn't let him be apart from her for too long. Brother was beyond sick with worry for Ruby.

"Did ya ask Doc Jude about meds? I know you don't agree with taking anything but, it could help. I don't want to insult ya man but you are burning it at both ends ya know? You've looked better is what I'm saying." Kieran took Ruby's hand in his and began to rub the back of her hand gently. He was glad they moved the iv from her hand but it left behind some terrible bruises. They had to move the iv often.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now