16. Iter ~ {Travel}

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Sleep could not be had the night before the trip to Montana. When three am rolled around and Ruby still had not found one bit of sleep she decided to stop trying. A three am shower was called for that morning as even though she'd yet to have a dream state, she was wide awake and not at all delirious as she'd usually be.

This was the first all-nighter she'd pulled since she got her wolf, her Heart. She smiled and thought of Heart and wondered what it was going to be like running in Montana. She would be there during the full moon and Ryan had talked about how many places he'd wanted to show her.

When she finished with her shower she'd only spent thirty minutes. She decided to spend the next thirty in a complicated braided hairstyle. She decided not to fuss with makeup, she hardly ever did. She figured if she needed any, Evelyn Brose would not only let her know, she'd have it for her. She figured that much out when her Mama had told her not to bother packing any clothing for the trip. Evelyn Brose had an entire wardrobe made for Ruby for the nine days she'd be gone.

Nine days. Two days' travel and seven days with Ryan. Though her Papa, after giving the two extra days for travel in concession, realized that the Brose's gained two nights. He wasn't pleased but Marny held Greg in check. It wasn't as though they were deciding if these two would be together, it was only a matter of time. It was still only four am. Ruby picked up the furry little book that was now her constant companion. She pulled out a purple gel pen and began to write.

Dear Diary,
We are to leave in an hour. I don't have any last-minute packing to do because Ryan's mom has packed/provided for me. I bet she even bought shoes for each outfit. It's not a bad thing. She had excellent taste. 

It's just not something I ever imagined.

I suppose the Goddess knows a reason to further fortify the relationship between two of the original four. Maybe there truly is something coming. Avia wouldn't allude to it so much if it wasn't true. Though I am going to enjoy this week, I know I will, I can't help spending a little time preparing. 

I haven't seen Avia since my birthday. Random. I also haven't shifted in front of anyone besides my family before, also random. Things that keep me up in the am. One thing that doesn't keep me up, worrying about whether or not Ryan wants to see me. I know he does. What I don't know is if I should bring this little furry beast with me. I suppose I could "leaf the pages blank" Haha. I think I will do just that. That way, I can still write every day and not worry about having it read. RB

Ruby closed the book up and walked into her bathroom to very quietly spell her book to appear blank. After she set the book upon the counter she thought it out a moment before speaking.

"Oculi mei tantum." Uttered the thrice required times as Ruby held the book between her palms. She set it down afterward and realized there was no way to test if it worked. She'd have to wake up Luke to ask.

Ruby opened her bedroom door to find a yawning Marny standing there.

"Oh good, you are already up, and ready. That's amazing. Good job, Ruby." All of Marny's words were yawned as she stretched. She looked at Ruby curiously as Ruby held the little furry book.

"Mama, can you read this?" Ruby handed her the little beast and waited to see if it worked.

Marny opened the book and then flipped through all the pages and handed it back.

"You have to write something for me to read it, Ruby." Marny smiled and then got a suspicious look on her face. "Ruby Blackwell, were you using magic?"

"Yes Mama, just a little. It was necessary. I had to spell my beast so no one else could read it." Ruby tucked the little furry book into her sparkly bag and added her phone charger. She looked around the room to see if she'd need anything else. "It's beyond strange to not pack actual clothes. I'd worry she didn't know my sizes but Evelyn Brose knows."

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now