7. Praeteritum ~ {The Past}

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The breeze of the valley was sweetly scented as it kicked up around the buffet canopy. Delilah looked from Greg to Marny and then to Ruby. The witch held a mysterious smile upon her lips as she moved one of the chairs so she could sit beside the little family. She took a deep breath and exhaled with a long sigh before she smiled again and looked at Greg. 

"I know it might seem odd to begin this way, but trust me, it will help. I believe it will help. How much do you know about your great-grandfather Algernon?" Delilah canted her head as she asked. Long curling tresses flowed about her as though they were alive. The breeze moved the delicate hair easily. They were in shade, but even so, the bright golden color of her hair appeared effulgent. She lifted her pale green gaze to Greg and smiled as she waited to listen.

"I don't know much. When we got your letter, I was really surprised to even hear him mentioned. It's strange how my family just sort of, didn't talk about him." Greg looked curious, he was always wondering why his Grandfather had such an issue with talking about the family's history.

"I thought that might be the case. Before I begin, I just want you to know, I accept responsibility for my actions. All of them. I can't tell you everything but I can tell you some things. It's time now, and necessary." Delilah repositioned against the chair and leaned back to let herself try and relax. She smiled at Marny and then looked back to Greg endearingly. 

"I met Algernon after the great war. We were stationed in Eygpt. He was a young wolf and I was ever so charmed by him. After the war, there were tribunals. I wish I could tell you more about that but I am forbidden. I can say that I was tried and found guilty." Delilah paused as she stared into nothingness for a moment. She was feeling the emotions of when she was first judged. 

Marny and Greg both waited for her to continue. Greg placed his hands about Marny's waist and scooped her up into his lap. He admired his darling pup as she slept in his mate's arms. His eyes lingering on the heart-shaped mark over her eye left. He could easily picture the pink tendrils of light that danced around and descended into her that first hour of her life. He remembered Conrad's sweet face as he seemed to only be sleeping, so pale and blue. He looked up as Delilah began to speak again.

"While I was waiting for the results of my tribunal, Algernon and I, we shared a moment of passion. I know it was wrong, I was not his mate and I felt horrible for seducing him. He was so charming and with the stress of the war and not knowing if we'd be imprisoned or not, it happened. I am so sorry, sweet Greg, that you are learning this from me. I expected it would not come out before." Delilah took another deep breath and she wondered if Greg figured out yet where this was going.

"Part of my conditions of release is the supression of certain memories. The magic being used to prevent me from talking about the tribunals, is making it hard for me to remember everything exactly as it happened but I will do my best. We were together for one night and then in the morning I was sentenced. The reformatory realm for an undetermined amount of time. I was only recently released, to this new lovely confinement. It really is a kindness that they released me, now that I am needed."

Marny looked at Greg and then back to Delilah as she asked timidly. "What is the reformatory realm?" She hoped it wasn't too offensive of a question.

"It's like limbo, only, you are constantly reminded of your errors. It's not quite like depression, more like angst and regret. It's very unpleasant but not to the point of torture. I spent 87 years there. Thankfully I passed the parole board to this valley. It really is a wonderful place. They had to put me in an energy well so I can't use magic to escape. The upside is, my magic is strong from the extra energy, and the valley is protected from all intruders."

"I have a little apprentice who brings me clients that need potions now and then, but so far I've just done magic for myself. Now I will do it for you, and your pack when you need it. I am in your service." Delilah was smiling as she spoke, she knew she was stalling and she didn't see that Greg figured it out yet. 

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