20. Tantibus ~ {Nightmare}

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Dinner that night had been exhilarating. The conversation never slowed and drifted from as varied topics as horseback riding to bad horror films. Ruby was enjoying herself so much it made it a little easier to get more food into her belly.

Something about the confession, the admission of their magic, released a tension that no one had admitted they were holding. Now it felt more like a family, an extended portion of her family. Ruby began to enjoy Evelyn Brose and her very droll, distinct sense of humor. Ruby could imagine Mama Brose would be collected even in the most trying of circumstances.

Ryan's hand found Ruby's often as they sat and enjoyed the meal of roasted duck and braised greens. This sort of meal was not something that Ruby was accustomed to. Her family had existed on all American standards the whole of her life. She never thought she'd just be randomly eating roast duck on a Sunday. The braised greens were in this sauce that was so divine, Ruby could have easily drunk it like soup.

Evelyn Brose was pleased with what she deemed was progress in regard to how much Ruby could eat. She was goal-driven and intent on having her son's mate healthy enough to bear Brose heirs. She observed Ruby and gave knowing glances to her husband. Ruby did not seem to notice the eye conversations that Scott and Evelyn Brose engaged in. She was kept well occupied with Seb's regaling of different incidents that had happened at Blue Moon over the past few months.

After Ruby finally had room for a slice of banana cream pie, the three teens headed upstairs to Ryan's room with a bag of Doritos, a bag of popped microwave popcorn, and a box of chocolates. After they put a movie in, Ruby snuggled into Ryan's pillow and inhaled deeply. She didn't notice that he smiled as he watched her. Moving himself to get just a bit closer to her on his bed.

Cassy noticed Ryan's movement and tossed some popcorn on him to remind him that there was another person there.

"Don't get all touchy-feely in front of me guys, I'm just not into the whole voyeurism thing." Cassy giggled as she made both of them blush heavily.

Either the movie was not exciting, or the three of them were very tired. After an hour of the movie playing, Jacob came to check on them and found the three of them asleep. He set about moving the girls to their respective rooms and then shut Ryan's door. He stood guard in the hallway that night. Something was making him feel weird.

The unmistakeable sound of moving water surrounded Ruby as she stood in a dark, dank, tunnel. She blinked to see if the dark walls were truly covered in glowing slime. The smell hit here with a wave of moist air that was overwhelmingly sulfur tinged. There was also a hint of something like moist earth and rotting wood. It licked at Ruby's senses loudly as much as the sound of the water did.

Ruby looked around and tried to figure out where the small amount of light was coming from. She recognized that she must be dreaming, she had no memory of coming to this place. She walked around puddles of water, some of the puddles looked deeper than others. Reaching a bend in the tunnel, Ruby began to walk along a wide corridor. A channel of water ran down deep in the center of the corridor, recessed below the floor. She followed the water's path downstream, as the light grew slightly brighter. How could she see in a place that was clearly full of darkness?

The tunnel became more humid as the temperature started to rise. Soon she found herself in a hexagonal chamber. Each side was a corridor like the one she stood in. Ruby listened as she could hear stirrings coming from the other tunnels.

In the center of the chamber, there was a large circular opening that contained the whirlpool formed from the water of the six canals flowing in at once. Ruby stood at the opening of her tunnel as she watched the openings of the others to see who would be arriving. 

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now