42. Impetum Inanes Homines ~ {Attack of the Empty Men}

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"The forces have not penetrated the shields, Alpha! They are increasing in number, it seems they are waiting for something. Maybe they can see the shields?" Luke was on paws as he ran beside the perimeter of the pack lands. He could see the men standing loosely on the other side. None of them moving forward. He had been prepared to fight, even though he was alone for the moment but none had advanced.

The sound of thundering paws was heard on it's way towards him. He kept his eyes on the men standing there. He noted that all of them were watching as Alpha Seb ran close.

"Who's in charge?!" Seb shouted once he'd shifted back. He didn't bother with pants. He never did. 

One man pushed through the rest that remained standing as though painted there. He walked right up to the shields line to grumble his words through throaty rasps. "We are here for our fairy. Give us her back and we leave in peace." The man was tall, over six feet and he was broad. He swayed back and forth slowly as his eyes meandered over the group of wolves gathered to fight. There was no emotion in his features.

Seb revealed nothing when he heard the word fairy. Though he knew that green-haired wench was going to cause problems, he never thought it would come in the form of a small army. "We are all wolves and witches here. No fae allowed. My rules." Seb growled the lie out with a grin. Everyone knew it was a lie, he wanted to see who was going to call him on it.

"Fine. Advance." The man stepped back as he ordered his men to move forward with the  nonchalance you might give a coffee order. The men that were standing began to move forward with a quickness that was unexpected for how fast it broke out. 

Wolves clashed against men as they crossed the shield borders. None of the men were able to penetrate but the wolves wanted the fight and ran to them. The sounds of growls and snarls as well as flesh being torn was all that was heard while Seb looked for the man that had given the command. As one of the men attacked him he jumped at him, fixing his jaw against his enemy's throat and ripping. The body fell hard and Seb was shocked when he didn't feel a spray of warm blood for his efforts. 

He ran into the fray then. Biting and ripping flesh from these men that didn't bleed. He couldn't catch scent of anything other than forest either. It was dark magic, it had to be. His search for the commander yielded nothing even after the last man was taken down.

Twenty minutes of fighting and not a drop of blood left the pieces of meat that littered the battlefield just outside his pack lands. Seb shifted to legs again as several other warriors did.

"Burn these, whatever they are. We will double patrol on this border and add a constant sentry. I want one of those things captured. And if anyone sees the one that could talk, bring him in alive as well. If possible." He kicked the torso of one of the ripped open men and saw that there were no organs within. Just muscle and some kind of gooey tissue. He dragged his foot over grass to get the goo off as he headed for the pack house.

He had a fairy to talk to.


The common rooms of the pack house were full. Every surface had a butt on it. It was so bad that some pack members had shifted to paws just to find a place to lay down. Mabe had been eating  when the alarms went off. She was about to delve into bite thirteen of the most luxuriously silky banana pudding. A bite that had a slice of banana right in it. But the alarm had gone off and she was ushered into a common room without windows. 

Mabe lifted her hand to wave some air back and forth at her face. She added a little fae oomph to cool the wind some and sighed as frost petals seemed to fly from her hand to rest on her face. "It's a bit tight in here, int it?" Mabe grinned at her escort and waved some frost petals in his direction before she saw his eyes go hazy a moment. 

Just as the all clear howl was heard, Mabe's escort stood and wrapped his large hand around her bicep, pulling her to stand too. "Alpha wants you in the house. Lets go." He gave no more explanation than that, despite Mabe's instant protest.

"What? Alright, but my pudding? OH I guess... maybe next time." Mabe rushed her steps to keep up with the tall man. She'd discarded her vinyl outfit in favor of fluffy pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt of unknown origin. "Ouch, that hurt. You know, I don't have any shoes on!" Mabe wished instantly that she had not complained as the man didn't even break stride while lifting her up to deposit her over his shoulder. "No need to be rough about it!" Mabe pressed her palms to the man's back to try and see where they were going.

"Will, you can put her down. I'll take her from here." Seb was at the front door waiting. He again had just shifted from paws and stood as bare as the day he was born. 

Mabe looked up at the door of the house before she looked over to Seb standing in front of it. She jolted as she realized he was naked. "Gaww do ya ever cover that thing?" It was a crass question and Mabe maybe lingered a bit longer waiting for the answer while she looked at his impressive attributes.

"If I covered it, you wouldn't be distracted enough for me to do this." Seb had said while Mabe's wrists were cuffed together before her. "Don't worry, they are just magical. I don't know what kind of magic you have and until we deem you aren't a threat, you have to be contained in the house. Do you understand? It's nothing personal." Seb's eyes were an ever shifting hazel, just now they were gray, perhaps to match the storms he saw in Mabe's gaze.

"I don't like being trapped. I have a thing. It's clinical, I mean psychological. Will you please take them off if I promise I'm not a threat? I swear it. You can ask Kieran, he's known me most my life." Mabe didn't mean to let tears escape while she began to plead. She could already feel the hives blooming on her skin. The itching, the itching was unbearable. Her breathing began to catch and wheeze. "OH gods, gods, I'm going to pass out. Shit, damn, I'm not a threat." Mabe wheezed out all of those words as she hyperventilated and then keeled over.

Seb watch all of this occur in less than the minute and a half it took for Kieran to come to the front door. He caught the hiving out fairy in his arms and lifted her just as Kieran opened the door and saw the picture of the two. Seb standing nude with a spotted, passed out and cuffed Mabe in his arms.

"Uh...Alpha? Mabe doesn't like cuffs. She has a thing. We both do actually, it's a long story." Kieran rubbed the back of his head with his palm. His curls tangling in his fingers as he gave a meek smile at Sebastion.

"Let's go talk about that story Kieran." Seb carried Mabe toward the clinic and expected Kieran to follow.

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