13. Faciamus a Nexu ~ {Let's Make a Connection}

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Ruby had gone straight to bed when they arrived home Sunday evening. The shifting the day before had exhausted her body in a way she'd not imagined. Her body had strains on muscles she didn't know existed. 

When the fairy bell of her messaging indicator sounded she mumbled something incoherant.  As the bell sounded again she began to wake. The tinkling bell was affecting her sleep. 

Without opening her eyes she lifted her arm and let it fall in the general direction of her end table. She felt around for her phone and pulled it to her face to see what time it was. She frowned a bit as she saw it was only nine pm. She opened her text messages and was surprised to see three from a number she didn't recognize. She pressed the button to read them.

*Hi Ruby
*How was your birthday?
*Can I call you?

Ruby took a deep breath and contemplated ignoring the messages as sleep was still heavy in her mind. She nearly fell asleep again when the fairy bell tinkled once more.


Now she was curious, she turned over onto her back and lifted her phone above her to answer the messages.

*Who is this?

Ruby waited to see what the answer would be while she kicked her blankets off. She'd have to fix them because she'd gotten tangled when she turned. She was annoyed by this.

*It's Ryan, I got your number from Alpha.

Ruby had to think about that a moment. Her DAD gave her number to Ryan? Interesting. She thought for a moment about what to reply and before she could type anything she received another message.

*I was hoping you'd meet me tomorrow morning before school? I know you are sixteen now and I'll be able to tell for sure. I didn't want to have any kind of embarrassing moment in front of the whole school, you know what I mean? Let's just say I've seen some things. Can I call you?

Ruby had to blink a few times and rub her eyes as she saw it was a long text message. After she read it she cleared her throat some and then responded.


Her phone rang about ten seconds later.

"Hello? Ryan?" Ruby answered. She didn't mean to sound sleepy, she'd tried to clear her throat but her voice betrayed her just the same.

"I'm sorry Ruby, did I wake you? I didn't mean to do that." Ryan's voice was apologetic, but even more than that, there was compassion in his tone.

"It's ok, I've pretty much been sleeping every chance I get since I shifted. It was really cool though, being able to run like that. I love running in both bodies." Ruby's smile could be heard in her voice as she talked about her first shift.

"I'm glad it went well. So, do you think you want to meet me in the morning? I know it's weird because you have to just trust what I feel and know at this point. Since you won't really know for two years. I could be wrong too, maybe I just like the way you smell but you aren't my mate haha." Ryan's laugh was nervous, Ruby was quiet on the phone for a moment but he could hear her breathing. He wondered if she fell back asleep.

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea to meet in the morning. Where should we meet?" Her heart jumped in her chest as she felt the magnitude of this meeting. Her guts were doing that thing again, the pulling. If he was her mate this was a part of the rest of her life. A piece of her life puzzle was going to be hammered in. 

"There's a little park behind the 7-11 by the high school. Do you know it?" Ryan sounded worried and excited at the same time. Ruby wasn't sure she could tell how he was feeling by his voice, she was probably overthinking.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now