23. Celeri Explicationibus ~ {Rapid Developments}

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Usually, dinner in the Brose household was over an hour-long event. There were always multiple courses that were often accompanied by specialty drinks for each course. Fresh bread was baked daily and always to suit the meal. Evelyn Brose prided herself on her table. Crisp linens were always used, centerpieces held fresh flowers and candles would feed the ambiance she wanted. 

This evening there was none of that. After lunch had passed, after the vision and the magic mail had gone out, Evelyn and Scott Brose were locked up with Seb in his office. Ruby had tried to eavesdrop to see what could be so drastically important that dinner would be missed, but the room had been spelled. 

Ruby sat at the table with Ryan and Cassy. She held her head in her palm with her elbow propped on the table while her free hand played with her fork and the microwave dinner that Ryan had heated up for her. She grimaced at the flimsy nature of what were supposed to be green beans as she pushed them around the black plastic compartment.

"This is actually quite disgusting, why can't we eat at the packhouse again?" Ruby set the fork down and pushed away the remainder of the turkey dinner she was supposed to digest. She was surprised to see that Ryan and Cassy both had managed to choke their choices down. Maybe they liked frozen food?

"You get used to microwave food. We eat a lot of it believe it or not." Cassy seemed unaffected by eating the reconstituted-looking glop.

"Mum didn't say, but I think we are on lockdown from the rogue attacks earlier." Ryan pulled Ruby's food over to eat it. 

"That's right, so much happened right after I completely forgot we were attacked. Do you think they were intentionally going for us? Or were we just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" 

Ruby asked the question only to get their opinion, she already believed it was intentional. Ryan had been warned, and they didn't head for the main grounds, just Seb's house and the forest outside.

"I think that after that dream, we need to consider all possibilities." Ryan spoke slowly as he thought about his words, he didn't want to add anxiety to his mate, he could see that the vision earlier had affected her greatly.  "Do you want some cereal? Toaster waffles? I could make you a sandwich." Ryan stood up and collected the plastic trays.

"No, I'm fine." Ruby was listless. She looked at Cassy and wished she could be as nonchalant. But then she remembered, they didn't have to see what she did.

"Ruby, you have to eat something. Is this going to be an argument?" Ryan's tone was different, it was one of authority and unexpectedly firm.

"Are you being Alpha with me right now, Ryan?" Ruby stood up suddenly as she heard the tone in Ryan's voice change. It was the first time he'd tried to use the tone on her. It unsettled her enough that her usually demure wolf had her standing and leaning forward, almost challenging Ryan.

Right after Ruby spoke her head felt like it exploded. She brought her hands up to her ears as though she could block the growling and snarling that was occurring between Heart and Brother. The pain was instant. Throbbing tentacles of pain wrapped themselves around her arms and neck, all leading to the riot she could hear in her head.

"Help" Ruby managed to whisper before she tried to sit back on the dining table chair. She missed the chair and landed hard on the ground. The impact only served to cause a whimper from her as she tried to curl into herself, the pain was growing.

"MUUUM!" Cassy was shouting as she ran to the office to get Evelyn Brose. 

Ryan dropped the plastic trays back on the table and bent to pick Ruby up. He carried her over to the sofa while his eyes were wild with worry. Once she was there he kept his hands moving over her arm, her hair, her hand. He was frantic to comfort her.

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