18. Accidens ~ {Accident}

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"Ruby. Roooooobeeeee"

She heard it more clearly that time. Someone was calling her. She lifted her hand to hide her pale blue eyes from the sun as she heard it again. She wondered why everything around her seemed wavy as she heard her name being whispered this time. 

A whisper. 

She looked around and realized she was alone. She must be dreaming.

Ruby moved her eyes behind closed eyelids as she began to wake. She inhaled more deeply and smiled as she could smell Ryan. She was in Montana. Ruby opened her eyes to find that Ryan was smiling at her. She was laying on her bed, realizing she had no memory of when she got there. Ryan was knelt beside her bed and whispering for her to wake up.

"What time is it?" Ruby yawned the question as she lifted her hand to cover the yawn. She turned more to her side so she could see Ryan better. 

"It's six am, do you want to train with me and Cass?" Ryan asked eagerly. His uncle had suggested the invitation.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I haven't ever trained before." Ruby sounded hesitant. She hoped he wouldn't ask why. She wondered if Jacob would tell on her if she just did it. 

"That's alright Ruby, you don't have to know anything special, it's just some running and some fighting skills, nothing serious." Ryan wanted her to come, it was two more hours he'd get to spend with her. 

"Well, if you think it's not a hassle or anything. I don't want to be in anyone's way." Ruby sat up and realized she wasn't wearing her robe. It was hanging up on the back of the bathroom door. "I don't remember when I got to bed or how." She looked at Ryan with worry pressed into her brow.

"I put you there. Your guard was coming up to check on you so I put you in your bed and shut the door. I hung up your robe, it was pretty twisted around you. I thought you'd be more comfortable without it. I hope you aren't mad." Ryan had his hand on the back of his neck as he explained the situation, he looked nervous about it.

"Oh, that makes sense. We were probably taking up your whole bed anyway." Ruby added as an afterthought.

"You weren't but Cass kicks. I refuse to sleep with her. That's why I moved you, she was about to kick you senseless. I threw her out after I moved you to your bed." He grinned a little as Ruby was blushing at the mention of when he had moved her.

"Well, do you think your Mum packed clothes for me to train in?" Ruby stood up and walked over to look in the drawers. She found what she needed and then turned around to see that Ryan was standing behind her. 

"Did you just look in those drawers too? There are underwears in those drawers! Get going now! I need to change!" Ruby made disgruntled noises as she used her palm to gently push Ryan out.

"I'll just wait right here." Ryan announced at the door that Ruby shut on him.

Exactly three minutes later Ruby opened the door to show that she was dressed in some designer-looking workout clothes. Her sports bra was black and gray and matched the leggings. She was about to walk out of the room when Ryan's eyes nearly blacked out completely and he had to shake his head a minute before he spoke.

"Wait here a minute." He went into his room and came out with one of his shirts. He held it out to her as he spoke. "You better wear this over that, because I don't think everyone will realize you are sixteen and not eighteen. So it's better if you smell like me."

Ruby took the shirt and put it on quickly. She thought it was funny but at least he explained why he wanted her to wear it. Ryan took her hand once she was finished and they walked downstairs together. Cassy was waiting at the front door. 

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