35. Terrore ~ {Panic}

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Mar was furious when he ported out of the Witches Council chambers. He could not believe that the addresses of his and his family's properties were given to the parents of those brats. Once he ported to his private home he stormed into his office and pulled open his drawer while he sat at his desk.

He opened a burner phone package and inserted a random new sim then dialed a number. The voice that answered the other end sounded remarkably like Mar.

"They've revealed the locations of the properties. It won't be long before they arrive. I estimate you have at most twelve hours." Mar uttered into the phone as calmly as he could muster.

"Well, that just won't do. It seems we have no more time. I'll have the doctor perform the ultrasound. Let's hope we can determine the sex." The voice on the other end responded to Mar delicately. The man seemed pensive in his tone.

"What will you do if you can not determine the sex?" Mar asked even though he was certain he already knew the answer.

"We can't risk that power falling into the wrong hands." This was the response given by the voice.

Mar was quiet and then grunted a response before he hung up. It was out of his hands. He could only hope that his escape plan was good enough. He pulled the sim card from the burner phone and put it in his pocket after he cracked it in half. He left the phone on the table and turned slowly to look around his office.

Mar pondered if he'd miss all of this stuff he'd acquired. He took a deep breath and then walked briskly from the office and to his chambers. He opened the door and reached just inside to lift a packed knapsack. Once he'd slung it over his shoulder he opened a portal and without looking back, he stepped through.


Genevieve wasn't quite napping. She laid on her side, her body facing the open french doors that led to her personal garden. Her hand was rested over her belly. She was thinking about how much she'd grown in the last week. Her eyes were closed as she listened to the sounds of tropical birds from the garden.

The opening of her door abruptly startled her and she shifted to be able to see who was there.

The man known as her husband was walking briskly toward her. The expression on his face was filled with worry and concern. She sat up and moved her legs over the edge of the bed as he approached and sat beside her.

"Good Afternoon Darling, how are you feeling today? I am having the dietician prepare your daily health drink, but before you have that, let's have a look at the babe." His voice was too calm and measured. His smile was set to disarming but everything about the way he moved was alarming to Genevieve.

"Why should we look? Is there something worrying you, Sir?" Genevieve kept her own voice measured. She had quickly learned by observation that her husband was not fond of emotions other than his own.

"I just want to be certain everything is going well. Have a lie back, the doctor is coming." He assisted her in laying back and stepped back as a man wheeled a portable sonogram machine into the room.

Genevieve's breath began to catch in her throat. She was holding back the urge to flee. She looked over to the doors as she was laid back and then moved her hands to her belly protectively.

"This won't harm the baby will it?" Genevieve asked as she watched the doctor set up the machine.

The doctor did not respond, but her husband was quick to assure her that there would be no harm from this procedure. A container of gel was lifted and Genevieve pulled her shirt up to tuck it under her breasts while the gel was squirted onto her belly.

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