41. Continetur ~ {Contained}

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The seriousness of threatening a coven of wolf-witches was not lost on Genevieve. She could still feel her head spinning. After she had made her slightly tongue in cheek declaration she found herself in a cell embedded into the temple wall. She had no recollection of how she arrived there but she was absolutely certain it was magically enforced. She couldn't cast a single spell. Not even for a cup of water.

She wished they had given her a moment to explain. She thought about how she had spoken and her usually well-likable manner. She'd just have to explain it was all a misunderstaning. She wanted to help! Not be stuck in a witch cell. She was so ensconced in her deliberating she missed hearing someone approach. She looked over and was not at all surprised to see who had come. 

"Of course it would be you." Genevieve smiled a bit and genuinely felt bad. She'd never meant to be inserted into someone else's life like this. The Marquis did a shit job of squaring this one away. She adjusted herself and then took a seat on the cot. "Did you just want to stare? Make sure your mates body is safe? OH I know, you want to ask if you can speak to her, am I correct?"

Ryan bristled and growled at the sass in her tone but the last question had him silent and his question followed. "Can I? Or would it be you pretending to be her?" He didn't hold hope for the option, but it was an obligatory ask.

"No, you can't. I don't know how I am even embedded in this body. It's not a spell I created. Whoever did this, was trying something new." Genevieve mumbled to herself about titles and nobility never giving care to the correct details.

"You know who did this, don't you?" Ryan realized it after listening to her mumbles. More than that, he felt it.

"I think I have a good idea." Genevieve took a deep breath and sighed. "But, it's not like I am going to reveal it. Most likely you kids will run off and kill him and despite his malfeasance I happen to love him. He's greatly misunderstood." She gave a singular nod and sighed.

"Says every girlfriend of every dirt bag psychopath ever." Ryan spoke as he looked around the empty cell. "Or maybe you are the psychopath?" He eyed her with narrowed gaze as he awaited her answer.

"Well I can neither confirm nor deny that. Really all of this could be some manufactured dream that encompasses my afterlife. How do I know if this is even real? Hmmm Muscle boy? Or should I call you Wolfy-man." She smiled dangerousy as she watched his assessing gaze.

"No, you aren't going to set me off. I know you are trying to. But I have a genuine interest in keeping my mates body safe, so stop messing about with your mouth. You might piss off someone who doesn't actually care about that body." Ryan was only half-hearted lecturing. He was hoping this Genevieve would never leave the cell, except to put herself in the Pnuema Gem.

"Anyway, I came to see if you are hungry or anything. Ruby needs to eat a lot, frequently and I'd appreciate it if you could do that for her? Keep her body up at least? As you can tell she's quite thin." Ryan left the side of the cell and walked across the temple to pick up a tray.

"You mean I will be force fed? Gorged with goodness? Well it WILL be an imposition but I suppose I can accommodate. Are those dates? Lovely." Genevieve accepted the tray and set it down beside her on the cot. "What, no utensils?"

"Don't be stupid, we aren't going to give you a weapon. Even the tray is heavy cardboard so don't get excited." Ryan pulled up a chair and set it a fair distance from the bars of the cell. He intended to watch her eat.

"And an audience too! How fortunate for me." Genevieve's tone began amused and dropped off to droll. She began to feed herself from the tray. Everything upon it was high in good fats and the seared steak cubes were to die for. She was quiet while she admired the young man who watched her.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now