34. Quaero ~ {The Search}

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Sleep was had only sparingly the night preceding the search. Before the sun hinted at its movement toward lighting the sky, the residents of the Blue Moon Coven mansion were already awake and preparing. In the largest parlor, the furniture had been moved aside and teams were assembling. Caspian Brose stood at the side of a large table where many maps were unrolled and laid out. 

"Evie, bring me some tea please?" Caspian asked as he met her gaze over the table. He offered her a wink and received a blush in response. His gaze traced over her figure as she walked to the tea service set up on the side of the room.

"I can tell you've missed our Evie," Scott murmured as he stood next to Caspian with his mug of coffee. He watched Evelyn prepare Caspian's tea the way he liked it and Evelyn was rewarded with two sets of eyes watching her return.

"Don't you both have better things to do than watch me walk?" Evelyn smiled as she approached her mates, once there she offered Caspian the tea with a little faked curtsy. "Now get to it, who knows who else could be looking for Ruby. If one person thinks that she is the girl from the prophecy then they all know."

Scott looked to Caspian with concern, he hadn't thought about that. "Do you have word from any bounty hunters?" His coffee was forgotten as he looked from Caspian to the assembling teams.

"Let's talk about this later, in private. For now, know that any action that can be taken is being taken." Caspian spoke in a low firm tone as the room filled up with his trackers and the young witches. Once he saw that everyone was present his voice raised enough to be heard through the room.

"I've assigned everyone to their teams. Teams are posted on the wall. We will begin in a grid formation. It is imperative that your team stays within close contact. You will be running at a ten-mile distance from each other and are to proceed forward as much as the crow flies as possible, for twenty miles. If you get a hit on our girl. Contact your team immediately, do not move in alone. Only the team leader will evaluate and determine if any backup is needed. Let's not screw this up, guys. We should be able to get through our target destinations fully today. DO I HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? NO? Let's find our target. Move out!"

"Witches! Do you have your gear bags?" Evelyn Brose called out to the teenagers as they filed out of the parlor last. Each one of them lifted their bags and jogged out to the field where the Hells Trackers camp was set up. 

Caspian waited for the room to empty and then followed behind the teens. He held his arm out for Evelyn and opened the front door for them as they reached it.

"Where are you searching for her Cass?" Evelyn asked softly, she hadn't been able to stay up all night for the briefing.

"We have a list of properties that belong to the current and past high members of the witches council. They are the only ones that would have had enough information to figure out who Ruby is. Or who she might be I should say. I won't damn the girl, she's our son's mate after all." 

"Yes, don't forget she is everything to Ryan." Evelyn paused in her speech thoughtfully as they continued walking.

Evelyn and Caspian arrived at the large tents that were set up with gear and supplies. Evelyn checked each tent to make certain she had all the extra potion magic she'd need.

Teams that consisted of one witch two warriors and five trackers were lining up in front of the portal tents.

"Alright group one, that will be team seven, two, and nine. Line up. Evie, you've got the go-ahead, each team leader has their coordinates and they will call me to give coordinates for an exit portal. You ready?"

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now