8. Mirum Infantem ~ {Surprise Baby}

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"Alpha? I'm sorry to disturb you but I just talked to Nick again." 

Jacob mind linked Greg after he'd run up the road once more to get more details about the group seeking haven.

"What is it, Jacob?" Greg did not seem annoyed by the disturbance. He was more concerned. He had questions about the little group, but he didn't want to trouble Marny with it yet. He was worried that he was jumping to hope for something too soon.

"The newborn is not doing well. The healer has looked at him and he's very concerned. The pup isn't taking a bottle. They may have to put him on iv to keep him hydrated. We cant transfer him to Blistering Sky when he's sick, they have an orphanage but no medical facilities. Plus, you have to sign off on the transfer." Jacob waited to learn what Greg would want him to tell Nick next.

"Alright, I'm going to get Marny ready. We will leave just after. Uh, make sure Nick knows we are heading back. Tell the healer to start the iv and we will reevaluate when I get there." Greg couldn't help it. He felt this odd elation. He needed to get back right away. He leaned to press a kiss to Marny's forehead and then pulled away from her. He waited for her to rouse as he put their toiletries in the suitcase. He closed up their bags and then moved to the cradle to change Ruby's diaper.

Marny reached for Greg and as he wasn't there she sat up. She looked at him with a confused expression. "What's going on? Was Ruby uncomfortable?" She smiled as she watched him finishing changing Ruby.

"We need to get back. There are some things I need to deal with back home. But we will come to visit soon. Let's go tell De-  I mean Avia, that we are going."

Marny nodded and excused herself to use the bathroom. When she was done washing her hands she picked up Ruby as Greg opened the flap of the Yurt.

Greg carried the bags over to the rover and set them down for Jacob to load. He walked back to the hut and was surprised when the door opened before he knocked.

Avia stepped out with a couple of bottles in her hands. "Here are the potions. Just one drop a day. You can just drop it onto her tongue or, put it on Marny's breast and she will suckle it off. When she starts eating solid food, you can put the drop in tea or something to stir it in. This should last for quite a while, I don't know exactly how long though." Avia looked concerned and she smiled as Marny joined Greg's side.

"Thank you, Avia. We will be back soon. I know you can't train an infant, but I have an interest in being family with you. We will be back before you know it, and if you'll have us, often." He opened his arms to embrace her again. "I just can't believe you're my great-grandmother. I am so blessed."

Avia sniffled as she embraced Greg and then leaned back to look at him. "As am I. Now do be careful, the roads can be treacherous."

Greg nodded and he and Marny left with a smile to get into the rover. Marny buckled Ruby into her seat and then got into the back of the car with Greg. Jacob took the first driving shift as they started their journey home.


"Marny, we are home. Wake up, my love." Greg spoke to Marny through their bond. It was two in the morning and they'd just arrived home. Greg needed to go to the hospital and see about the infant.

"Oh good, we are home." Marny murmured as she opened her eyes and yawned. She was surprised to see Greg staring at her intently as the men got out of the rover. "Is everything alright?" She asked curiously.

"I need to go see about a patient at the hospital. I would like you to come with me." Greg spoke with odd portent. He helped Marny out of the rover and waited for her to get Ruby from her seat.

They began the short walk to the hospital building. Marny and Greg were both quiet. It was too late to ask many questions. Greg didn't often ask Marny to attend to pack business with him, but she figured there must be a reason.

"Let me hold Ruby, my love, you look tired." Greg offered his arms and Marny smiled thankfully.

Greg opened the door to the hospital building with his free hand, then turned to head toward the critical care unit. He looked over at Marny and that was when they both began to hear it. The plaintive and distressed cry of another infant. Marny looked at Greg curiously but her steps began to speed up.

"Do you hear that Greg?" She knew that he heard it, but she couldn't believe what she was feeling. As they turned the corner to run into Dr. Joe, he looked relieved to see them. Marny was holding her forearms against her breasts. The crying of the baby was making them leak. "Dr. Joe? Whose baby is that? Why is he crying? Can we help?" Marny asked all of the questions so fast, and she was looking through the glass to inside the room where the baby was in a warmer.

"Luna, Alpha, I'm glad you are back. I was hoping you'd come here first. Luna, I think you can help. The pup was orphaned a couple of days ago, he's not eating and I've had to give him an iv to keep him hydrated, but he's starving. Luna, could you-"

Before Dr. Joe could finish the question, Marny answered. "Feed him, of course." She pushed open the door to the room and Susan was there to help her get the baby out of the warmer. Marny sat down as Susan handed her the pup. Marny quickly uncovered herself and offered the pup her breast.

The pup began to sniff at Marny quickly, then he started to root and Marny had him latched on in just a few seconds. He ate so hungrily he started to choke himself on milk. Marny adjusted him to sit up a little more and she smiled down as she felt Greg enter the room with Ruby.

"Oh my Goddess Greg, look. Look!" She whispered excitedly. She had chills through her body and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Greg was smiling and as Ruby woke up he helped Marny get situated so she could feed them both at once. She sobbed happily as she experienced the very thing she never thought she'd be able to feel. She felt guilty for feeling such elation but the guilt was overshadowed by the joy. She couldn't stop looking around. From Greg to Ruby to the pup, what was his name?

"The pup, does he have a name? Dr. Joe?" Marny asked gently while Greg began to lightly play with the tufts of brown hair on the pup's head. It matched Ruby's little cloud of hair well.

"The women said his name is Luke. He was born the day after Ruby and Conrad." Dr. Joe was pleased his patient wasn't going to perish from starvation. He looked very relieved and was already having Susan remove the iv from Luke's arm.

"Greg? Are we, is he ours?" Marny couldn't wait to ask. This felt so right to her. She had two pups in her arms and she was more settled than she had been since Conrad's death.

"Is that what you want, Marny? I mean, for me. I kind of believe it's a sign. We lose our son, and then this pup comes and he is orphaned. He needs us. He needs you. You can feed him."

"I can do everything for him, Greg. I can feed him, care for him, love him. It's not like replacing Conrad, it's not. It's more like, doing what I should have been doing. Plus, he's adorable Greg, look at him."  Marny smiled down at the pups. dimpled chin and then gasped as he opened his eyes to look at her. "There you are little Luke, hi. Are you enjoying your milk?" She cooed at the pup while Ruby looked at her curiously. Ruby could feel feet at her feet and began to kick a bit.

Luke made a face and looked very surprised. Marny laughed softly and smiled up at Greg. "This is why we came home in such a hurry."

"Yeah, this little guy was starving. I didn't know if you'd want this, so I didn't ask. I hoped you'd hear him and do exactly what you did. I love you so much Marny. I love that you didn't even hesitate."

Marny was silently crying again. She couldn't wait to tell Conrad about Luke.

Ruby's Heart, A Blue Moon Coven ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now