14. Quod a Die ~ {What a Day}

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There wasn't time to think about what had happened in the park. Before Ruby even finished looking at the shirt she was wearing, Luke was parking and her door was being opened by Ryan.


His cheeks were flushed and it looked like he'd been running. Ruby took her time gathering her things from the floorboard of the car and then tried to heft her sparkly bag to her shoulder.

Ryan took her bag and slung it over his shoulder with ease. He then offered his hand to Ruby and Ruby knew he was only wanting to feel all those tingly things as much as he could before he left. She hesitated a moment, she was worried she'd feel them too. She didn't feel ready for that. Hesitation in her pale blue gaze, she took his hand anyway and he helped her stand from the car. Ruby shut the door and turned to face the school, with her hand in Ryan's

"I don't know if I'm ready for this. You get to leave and I am going to be with all of these people for another two years and two months." Ruby shivered at the idea of being a target for that long. She then thought of it a little more deeply and realized it was only Savanah she was worried about.

Ryan turned his head to look at Ruby while the first bell rang. He was going to say something but the bell threw him off. He knew Ruby wouldn't want to be late to chemistry. He held her hand tightly still and they rushed toward her class.

Ruby was glad she had what she needed because there wasn't time to stop at her locker. When Ryan was done pulling her hurriedly through the halls to get to her class he stopped at the door.

"I'll be here for when you get out." He uttered worriedly, there were questions in his eyes.

Ruby nodded and smiled, she squeezed his hand before pulling her hand from his slowly. "You don't have to do that, but ok, I'll see you then." Ruby turned to walk into her class but before she did, Ryan's hands were on her shoulders.

Ruby looked at him curiously as he turned her around to face him. He bent down toward her, and Ruby froze, she hoped he wasn't going to kiss her, she didn't want to be kissed at school! Ryan's face was just next to hers, he pressed his cheek to her cheek and rubbed just a bit before he stood again. He looked embarrassed and smug at the same time. Ruby wondered how he managed that.

"I think that was my wolf, uh Sorry. I'll see you after class." The second bell rang as Ryan spoke. Ruby nodded at him then turned to head into her class. She found that the entire class was enjoying that little show. She stood at the front of the class and regarded them, then looked over her shoulder at the teacher before she faced the class again and gave a deep bow. The teacher shook her head and pointed Ruby to her usual chair in the front of class. Ruby grinned as she hurried over to sit down.

Every passing period was much the same. Ryan would take Ruby's bag to walk her to her locker and then her next class. He would hold her hand as they walked and he would leave her with some part of his body rubbing his scent on some part of her before she entered each class. Ruby knew by the time she got home she was going to smell like nothing but Ryan.

Ryan felt nearly frantic as he looked around at what now appeared to be hoards of horny teenage boys and wolves. He had to scent Ruby as much as possible so they'd all know and respect their bond. It was the only thing that was keeping him sane about leaving. He didn't want to go.

At lunchtime, Ryan insisted that they sit with her usual group. Ruby had suggested they could spend time together in the library or someplace more private but Ryan was adamant that they spend lunch with her friends.

Luke's face held no surprise to see that Ryan was with Ruby at their usual table. He took his seat across from them and took out his sandwich after giving them both a nod. He was eying Ruby curiously as Ruby seemed to be watching the crowd with worry in her eyes. She wasn't eating.

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