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Age: 25

She is the younger daughter of ARHAN & MRINAL.Younger sister of Abhay,Ragini & SEJAL.Also Younger kunwarRani of SISODIYA Royal family and Devghar State.

She is Angelic enchanter beauty with Big brown doe shaped eyes & Bold and fearless yet soft helping nature.She is beautiful,hot,she is sexy,desirable,cute.brave and list is endless.Also she is pampered & most Loved Child in her family along with Arravya.She is innocent but not scared.She know how to fight back .

For Her family is everything.
For them She can die & For them She can Kill anyone.She can your sweetest dream but if you try harm/hurt her family and friends then she can be you worst nightmare.

She always hide her pain from her family & act front of them she is happy.That is Riddhima.Ever if she is dying in pain or feeling hurt still she won't tell anyone & suffer alone.She build walls around her heart after her parents so that she could save her herself from being hurt emotional which she already was .But suddenly a storm come in her life who's name is VANSH RAI SINGHANIA.

He break her those wall of her heart & make his own place in heart or should say he capture her heart by his enchanting love.Riddhima fell in his love hardly & she made that love her world.

But her World broke when she got to know the love she thought true(Which true is actually) is fake & His way teach/punished her for betrayal which give him only to protect him and give justice to her parents. Her heart broke into pieces & she became heartless.But She can't forget him.She still love him with with her broken HEARTLESS heart.

She is Angle
who craving for Devil's love
But in return
He only gives Her pain.

She is Angle who craving for Devil's love But in returnHe only gives Her pain

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He is Elder Child & Son of Rai Singhania family.He is the Most handsome, attractive & desirable man ever you saw.He is both hellfire & holy water it's depends on you how you behave/treat him.

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