Only A Rumor

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Another week or so has already passed since my mother came around, and it's been much too quiet around the house. I don't like the quiet, I mean it's nice, but after a while it starts to feel lonely. Sure, Iruka and Obito are around, but not having Kakashi around makes it feel like something bigger is missing. I hope he and the others come back soon, I want him to be with Obito more, to be with his family again.


I had finished getting settled into bed when I heard Obito crying from his room nextdoor, I just put him down no more than five minutes ago; so I couldn't possibly imagine what he needed now. With a quiet yawn, I got up and headed over to the other room.  Once there, I saw he had his hands curled up at his chest with his knees pulled in slightly. Although he looked adorable, I went over to him and carefully picked him up.                                    

His crying subsides as I hold him, he looks at me with a soft sniffle. I sighed and rocked him slowly, after a few minutes he was already drifting off to sleep as I hoped. I placed a kiss to his forehead before lying him back down in the crib, I pulled the small blanket on him up to his stomach. As I turned to leave the room, Ozzy came in. He walks past me and climbs up into the crib, then settles himself at Obito's side. I couldn't help but smile then leave, I closed the door as quietly as possible. Upon turning around, I came nearly face to face with Iruka. My heart was definitely beating faster now, he had surprised me for sure.

I placed a hand over my chest and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in,

"Geez, give me a warning or something next time."

"Sorry," he apologizes,

"But I have something important to tell you, I thought you'd like to know right away."

"We shouldn't talk here, let's go into the other room. I don't want to wake Obito up, he just went to sleep," I say as I walk past him,

"Come on."

He follows behind me and we sit on the couch in the main room, Iruka clears his throat and starts,

"This may or may not be true, it's only something I've heard around so I can't confirm if it's only a rumor. It's already been over a month since the other ninja left the village, there's been talk of their return some time in the next few days."

"What? Really?" the excitement was clearly evident in my voice, but I didn't care. Iruka nods and I couldn't stop a wide smile from finding its way to my face.

If what he was saying was true, then I'd get to see Kakashi again soon.


Three days have passed since Iruka told me of the rumor of the ninja returning from the war. I've been so worked up over it, that I've sort of gotten over the whole troublesome sleeping routine. I was actually taking a short walk around the village with Obito, the sun was shining bright, so I wouldn't keep him out for too much longer. He was actually looking around at everything, reaching out to try and touch things on occasion as well.

We passed by the new Hokage mansion, heading back to our home. I could already see it coming into view, we'd be there in about five more minutes. While walking, I looked down at the child in my arms. He was so little still, it was almost like he wasn't even there. Yet I knew he was, and I wouldn't trade anything for moments like these. We soon reached the front door to the house, I held him in one arm and reached into my pocket with my free hand. Iruka had some things to do, so the place had been locked up. I took out the key and opened the door.

I didn't get to go inside however, because I stopped when someone put their hand on my shoulder, I honestly didn't know who it could be. It wasn't Iruka, that much was obvious. And I wasn't expecting anyone else to show up, so whoever the person was was kind of startling.

"Look," I say with a quiet sigh,

"I wasn't expecting any visitors today, so if you could come back another time I'd appreciate it."

I was still waiting for the person to take their hand off my shoulder and leave, but they didn't. They only reply,

"Well, that sure is one way to greet me."

I easily recognized the voice, only hearing it sent a chill up my back. I turned around slowly to see it was Kakashi, his other hand was stuffed in his pocket and he had his visible eye closed in a small smile under his mask. He lowers his hand from my shoulder as I step towards him. Kakashi wraps his arms around me in a gentle hug as I press my face against his vest. Obito squirms in my arms between us, tugging on my shirt. I was so happy he was back, more than happy.

He sighs quietly and says,

"I missed you both."

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