Painful Bliss

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I turned my head to the side, allowing Kakashi more access to my neck as he places soft kisses around my skin there. I felt his hand that wasn't supporting himself, slide under my shirt, and rest at my now flat abdomen. Just having his hand there made me wince, I didn't like when other people touched me there. Especially not now.

Kakashi must have known this, because he pulls his hand back while muttering a quick apology. He then sits up on my waist, and reaches down to grab the bottom of my shirt. I help him in taking it off, and he tosses it behind himself, off to somewhere else in the room.

I felt my cheeks grow warm, we haven't done anything like this in a while, so I was feeling a bit embarrassed. Kakashi simply pulls me up off the bed some and goes to take off my bra. But he was having trouble with it, as usual. You woulda guessed he'd have it figure out by now, but apparently not.

I couldn't help but giggle quietly, momentarily forgetting about my embarrassment. I reached behind myself to unclasp it while saying,

"Let me do it."

I finished undoing it and pulled it off myself, then dropped it to the side of the bed. Kakashi lays me on my back gently, then says,

"You're so beautiful, I don't understand why you think you aren't."

I averted my gaze from his, and he lowers his head to softly kiss at my collarbone. He let his kisses travel downwards, towards my right breast. I bit my lip as I felt his warm breath fan over my sensitive skin, he then takes the rosy bud into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it. He continues this for a few moments more, before switching sides and giving the same treatment.

A silent breath of relief passes me as he pulls away from my chest, then continues to move down my body and settles himself at my lower half.

"Kakashi, no. You're still fully clothed," I breathed out,

"Come on."

It seemed like he rolled his dark eye, I couldn't really tell. But he gets up and removes a good majority of his own clothing, so only his undergarments remained. He settles himself back on the bed and asks,


I nodded and felt my cheeks grow even more so warm, he starts to undo my pants, and pulls them along with my underwear down and off. He drops them to the side and I felt his fingers trail across the insides of my thighs. It left a heated feeling wherever his fingers touched, and I actually liked it.

Kakashi lets one of his hands rest on my hip, while his other went to my most sensitive area. A gasp passed my lips as he slides two of his fingers into me, he keeps them still as he asks,

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

I shook my head, it was the exact opposite; it felt absolutely amazing. He starts to move his fingers in a scissor like motion, preparing me for what was yet to come. I gripped the sheet underneath me tightly, I could tell I was shaking. It just felt so good, and all it was was his fingers! I guess this is what happens when we don't get to have time like this to ourselves for more than two months.

He continues this for a bit longer, until I felt my stomach start to tighten up.

"K-Kakashi, I can't handle m-much more," I stuttered out,


He doesn't reply to my begging, yet he does remove his fingers from me. I could only lie there panting, I felt the bed shake as he shuffled around for a moment. Kakashi then settles himself back on my waist, he leans in to say,

"I want you to feel better."

I reached up to drape my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer to kiss him. This time it was flat out hasty and full of need, unlike our other kisses.

Kakashi props himself up by putting his arms on either side of my head against the bed, he breaks the kiss and I mutter,

"I know."

I closed my eyes as he slowly pushes himself into me, it didn't hurt; yet for some reason it was still kind of uncomfortable. I pressed my face to the crook of his neck, he stays still as he asks,

"Are you okay?"

I nodded, it was all I could do right now. Kakashi stays still for a moment longer, before he pulls himself from me and gently pushes back in. He does this a few times, and with each stroke, that uncomfortable feeling only grew. I don't know why it's happening, doing this with him hasn't felt like this any of the other times. Why's now any different?

Kakashi presses his lips to mine in a comforting kiss, it seemed like he could tell I was uncomfortable right now. I didn't want him to stop, we both needed this. His pace continues at the same rate, it felt like he didn't want to go any faster; or even slower for that matter.

I felt my stomach tighten after a few moments more, and I felt strange relief wash over me. Kakashi must have known, because he breaks our long kiss to mutter,

"I can tell."

I simply let myself lie under him, not feeling the strength to kiss him again right now. Normally, I'd be one for kissing at this point. But that uncomfortable feeling in my lower half was making me not want to do this ever again.

After a few moments more, my muscles tightened up, then became loose and relaxed soon after. Kakashi gives a few more gentle strokes, before he too reached that high. I closed my eyes as he pulls himself from me and collapses at my side. That feeling in my lower half was already starting to ebb away, but really slowly. Kakashi leans over to kiss my forehead before saying,

"I'm sorry."

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