Hangovers Suck

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My head was killing me as I sit up and rub my temples. What happened? I can hardly remember the events of the night previous. I do remember going out with Kurenai, drinking sake, a brief conversation with Kakashi, and then nothing.

Wait a minute, I talked to Kakashi? While I was drunk?

Oh no, no, no....this isn't good.

I've heard from other people that I tend to say whatever comes to mind and personal secrets when I'm intoxicated.

What did I tell Kakashi?

I really hope I didn't say I loved him, I'm not ready for that yet. What if I did say it though? I dragged myself from bed, and grudgingly left my bedroom. Walking as quietly as I could, I slowly walked down the short hall towards the main room.

Peeking out, I gave a sigh of relief to see Kakashi wasn't there. Yet, I regret doing that now. It sent another ripple of pain through my head. I hold a hand to my head to try and ease the pain, it didn't really work. I should really just try and sleep this hangover off, I'm sure Kakashi can handle the Genin for the day.

Speaking of Genin, what time is it? It was bright outside, so I know it must be towards noon, at least anyway. I walked to the kitchen and inwardly groaned, Kakashi was seated at the table with some papers in front of him. He looks up from the one he was reading from, then goes back to reading as if he didn't care if I was there or not.

"Hey, Kakashi,"

I started to say quietly,

"What happened last night?"

He lowers the paper in his hand, and replies,

"If you're still feeling the effects of the sake, you should go sleep some more."

Why can't he ever give me a straightforward answer?

I pulled out the chair opposite from him, and sat down,

"That's not quite what I meant. Did I say or do anything weird, or out of the ordinary?"

His coal coloured eye met mine, it felt like there was a pained feeling coming from him. Which was kind of odd.

"No, not really,"

He says bluntly,

"You came home drunk, and tried pulling my mask down again. You were also muttering gibberish."

Hearing that lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. I dropped my head into my hands, and tried to ignore the pain that followed,

"Oh, thank goodness. I though I might have done something I wasn't supposed to."

He hums quietly in response, then adds,

"Go get some more sleep, I'll take care of the Genin for today."


After sleeping for at least another eight hours, my headache was starting to go away. Which meant I could actually get up and move around without having my head feeling like it was being bashed in with a hammer.

I was starving, I didn't get to eat anything the first time I woke up. So, I was ready to chow down on whatever we had in the kitchen. Upon opening the fridge though, to say I was disappointed would be an understatement. It was pretty much empty, except for half a jug of milk, which didn't look very good, what looked like a stick of butter, and two apples shoved to the back. One was covered in brown spots, and the other wasn't very much different.

I sighed, looks like I have to go shopping again. Man, for just two people, we've grown up to end up eating like we haven't had a meal in days. Well, the bright side to going shopping was that I got to pick out our foods. And sometimes I got something extra for myself.

Maybe I should ask Kakashi if he wants anything specific. I think he's still out with the Genin, but he should be back soon, it was getting kind of late already.

I closed the fridge and walked back to the main room, I flopped down on the couch. Lacing my hands on my stomach, I kicked my feet up onto the armrest and stared up at the ceiling.

I'm actually really interested in that Uchiha boy, Sasuke. His whole family was killed by his older brother, he acts so cold-hearted and vengeful. I've got to keep an eye on him, as well as Naruto.

I don't know if it seems rude or not, but, Naruto is the one I want to watch out for the most. Maybe it was because he's Minato and Kushina's son. Man, he looks so much like his father, but acts like his mother. I hope he grows up to be just like them.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my lips. As long as he keep his dream alive, he should have no problem.


I should start thinking about where my own life is headed. Am I ever going to be in a relationship? Or even start my own family?

You know what actually, that's going to be my dream. To finally be able to love someone with all my heart, to spend time with them, and to share all of my secrets with.

To finally have a family of my own.

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