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It was Kakashi.

"Keira...I told you, we should have left," Pakkun states quietly from by my feet,

"There's nothing you can do for him now."

I ignored the pugs' words as I somehow found the will to move my feet, and slowly find myself nearing closer to his unmoving body. Carefully getting up next to him, I knelt down next to him, Pakkun hopping up and sitting next to me. I didn't know what to do, what to say, or even what to think.

He was dead, partner was dead.

Kakashi Hatake, my friend, was gone.

Tears fall from my eyes as I can't stop the sobs from leaving my body, my body was shaking now for some reason. I hunch over and let my head rest against his chest, my tears fall onto his vest and turn the fabric a darker color. My hand found its way to his silver hair, my fingers running through the soft strands slowly. I felt as if I wanted to die, yet I knew I couldn't. I couldn't because I had to live for our son, our...son.

He was supposed to help me raise our child, help me with teaching him our hopes and what's right. My hand that wasn't in his hair balled up into a tight fist, I could tell the fur on my tail was sticking on end as well.

" idiot," I say quietly,

"You promised wouldn't leave."

Pakkun remains quiet as I could only sit there, bawling my eyes out over my deceased partner. He then says,

"Keira, we have to go now. It's too dangerous to stay here."

I simply nodded, I wasn't really able to talk. All that crying has made my throat sore, it reminds me of when I mourned for my lost Uchiha friend, Obito. It had been similar to this, except this was an even deeper pain. My bond, my connection, with Kakashi had been brutally severed, and couldn't be repaired now.

Reluctantly pulling away from him, I forced myself to my feet. I looked down at him, and it was then I noticed how...peaceful, he looked. Despite his battered body, it kind of seemed as if he was only sleeping. As much as I wished it were true, it wasn't; and I knew that. Pakkun and I both climbed down from where we were, and started heading back the way we came. Yet, as we went, I couldn't help but look back one last time.

The clouds that had formed along our way here were starting to clear, causing a beam of bright light to shine down on his body. It was as if his spirit was being lifted away, never to return back to this world. I forced myself to look away from him, more tears were already forming in my eyes; but I won't cry again.

Kakashi had always hated it when I cried, and I promised I would never cry whenever I saw him. Even now, I wouldn't allow myself to. Although it hurts and how much I wish I could mourn longer over him, I was going to be strong. Yet I couldn't help but dwell on the last words we shared, which had only been yesterday. We had been talking about what we were going to do for the finishing touches on the nursery, but that doesn't seem to matter now. The village was destoyed, and so was the apartment we had called home.

As Pakkun and I got further and further away from him, I placed a hand over my rounded stomach; saying quietly to myself,

"I love you...Kakashi, I always will."

Freefall (Kakashi HatakeXOC Part1)Where stories live. Discover now