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"To replace your seal, we're going to take you outside the village. It's only a precautionary measure, in case something goes wrong and we cannot contain Okuri,"

Tsunade explains as she leans back in her chair,

"Do you understand? This is going to take place tomorrow afternoon, you're going to want to prepare yourself."

I nod and glance at Kakashi, he had his hands stuffed in his pockets and was slouching slightly. My attention went back to the Hokage as she adds,

"Keira, you're pregnant now, which means doing this puts you at a higher risk for injury. I'm sure you know what I mean, and that's why we're sending ANBU and medical ninja with you."

"Thank you, it's means a lot to me that you're doing all you can to help us through this," I reply while bowing slightly.

A smirk crosses the Hokage's lips, and she says,

"Of course, I can't have someone that's as big of a threat to the village like you going about without the proper help she needs. Now can I?"


I couldn't help but smile slightly as Ozzy jumps up onto the bed and settles himself right next to me. Kakashi was making me lie down in our room until we had to leave to go to the designated sealing area for Okuri, we were supposed to leave in about an hour. Well, I have to go anyway. An ANBU member was going to come get me when it was time, Tsunade told me to be completely ready before we go. Kakashi went off ahead to get things prepared, and to make sure everything was in place for when the new seal was to be set.

I still remember when he told me about making a new seal, it's already been about two weeks since then. I'm still nervous about the whole thing actually, I can't stop thinking about what would happen if they can't seal Okuri quick enough. There was multiple thoughts going through my head all at once, thoughts I didn't like.

If Okuri wasn't sealed back, people would die, and it would all be blamed on me. And why wouldn't it? The villagers would be too afraid to listen to reason, they'd try and kick me out of the village; making me a rouge. Or worse, they'd try and kill me.

But I didn't want to think like that, especially not now. I brought my hand up and placed it over my stomach, I spoke quietly to myself,

"It won't happen again, I promise."


I stretched my arms over my head as I shuffled my way down the short hall, it was just about time to leave; I was waiting for my escort. I've been thinking about what was going to happen, and planning out all the different outcomes. Okuri could take over my body, nothing would go wrong and I'd be fine, Okuri would take over and kill Kakashi then try and come after the villagers, he'd be resealed but would mess it up after only a short time, or he'd be resealed and somehow manage to make me have another miscarriage. Of course there were more possibilities, but I was pulled from my thoughts by a knocking at the front door.

I changed my course and went to the front door, I opened it and felt butterflies in my stomach, it was my ANBU escort that had knocked.

So it's finally time then.


The ANBU member was a few paces ahead of me, we were heading to the village gates, and were nearly there. I didn't know where the place it was to happen was even at, and I suppose it's a good thing actually. Whatever information I was told, Okuri would be listening in on. If I had been told the location of the sealing site, even if it was only how long it would take to get there, Okuri would be able to use that to find his way back to the village. I guess that's also another reason why I'm going to be put under a sleeping jutsu once we head into the forest. I didn't know that was going to happen until recently, Tsunade had told me earlier this morning when she was talking to Kakashi and I.

We passed under the gates and headed into the thick forest, it wouldn't be long now until my life would be better, or worse. It all came down to how well Kakashi developed the new seal, and I'm not doubting him in the slightest. It's just bugging me to know that I'll still be asleep when they remove my current one. If Okuri does manage to do something, I'll know; but I won't be able to do a thing about it like always.

It wasn't much longer until we came to a small clearing, it couldn't have been more than a ten foot circle that was clear of trees, bushes, and all underbrush. I'm guessing this is where the jutsu will be put on me, and then the ANBU member will more than likely teleport us the rest of the way just in case Okuri was somehow able to know where we were even if I'm out of it. We both stop and the ANBU member turns to me while saying,

"I'm going to place the sleeping jutsu on you now, and then you'll be taken to the sealing site. Are you ready?"

I nodded, I couldn't think of anything else I needed, or even wanted, to do right now. I just wanted to get this over with. I sat down in the long grass and the ANBU comes closer to me, he places two of his fingers to my forehead. He was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.


Upon opening my eyes, I found myself in my inner world facing Okuri's crater; the place I could talk to him in. I walked over to the edge of the cliff and peered down, he wasn't there. I felt confused yet paranoid at the same time, something wasn't right here.

"Looking for me?"

The voice shook my whole body as the words dripped with malice, I turned around to see Okuri towering over me. I look down at my feet to see I was right at the edge, one more step and I'd be falling over. I looked back up to him and ask,

"How'd you get out?"

The ground underneath my feet shakes as the wolf starts laughing to himself, it sounded more like cackling. He lowers his head so his nose was about six feet in front of me, and I was staring into his golden eyes.

"You had better listen, and listen well, because I'm only going to say this once," he states while slowly inching forward,

"I'm free now, and the seal your silver haired friend tried to put on you didn't work. It wasn't strong enough, and so I took over your body. I killed him and all those other pathetic humans, it's as simple as that."

I clenched my fists tightly as he was now only about a foot away from me, I knew what he was doing. He was trying to get me mad, to make me say something to the information I was just told. But I'm not going to, I won't give him the satisfaction of hearing me say it. So I simply cross my arms and shrug, he growls and says,

"I know you care about him, I took special care in killing him. I made sure to make it as slow and painful as possible. I killed everyone else quickly and painlessly."

"Oh, shut up already," I say while rolling my eyes,

"You and I both know that's not true, I know you'd never be able to do that."

He was continuously moving closer to me, so much that I didn't realize what happened until it was too late to stop him. Okuri had backed me over the edge of the cliff and I was falling into the crater.

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