The Mask

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'What the hell do you mean I wear my lies as a mask,' I question in irritation as I lay Obito down in his crib,

'I don't do anything like that.'

Okuri sneers as I exit the room and slowly walk down the hall that led to the main room of the house, the wolf was silent for a moment longer, before replying,

'You know exactly what I mean, the way you present yourself to others is just an illusion. In reality, you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are. Your third face is one of the truest forms, the purest of what you are. You're just like me, something that doesn't belong in this world, yet does so anyway.'

I sat down on the couch, and pulled my knees up to my chest as his words ran through my head. He wasn't right, he's just spouting nonsense to get me upset like he always does. Right?


"I'm sorry Iruka, what were you saying? I haven't slept well in a while so I'm a bit out of it," I say with a yawn as the brunette rocks Obito gently in his arms,

"I didn't mean to be rude."

I rubbed my eyes as he repeats,

"That what I was saying something about, actually. Those dark rings under your eyes are back, it's pretty obvious you haven't had a good night's rest in quite some time. What's the problem? Nightmares again?"

I nodded, and looked at my sleeping baby while saying,

"Something like that, Okuri's been pestering me a lot lately and keeping me up at night. What I don't get is why he's so talkative lately, he's been this way ever since Kakashi and the others left."

"Maybe that's why," Iruka suggests,

"He may be trying to get on your bad side now that Kakashi isn't around to handle his seal. But don't believe me when I say that, I could be wrong."

I reached over to put my hand on Obitos' head, his soft hair was tickling my hand as I say,

"That actually may be a reason, but if anything, I'm just going to assume it's because it's how Okuri always is. He's always been such an ass to me, ever since he was put inside me."

"Keira," Iruka states, a stern tone to his voice now,


I couldn't help but smile slightly, he didn't like it when I swore around Obito. I didn't get why, he was a baby and didn't know what I was saying yet. Besides, he's still too young to talk and repeat after me. I really hope he doesn't pick up any of mine or Kakashis' habits, especially Kakashis' of being late.

"Sorry, I forgot."


A yawn left me as I looked up at the stars in the sky, I had come up to the roof of the house so I could get some air and clear my head. It had been such a long time since Kakashi and the others had gone off to war, I couldn't imagine what they were all going through right now, but I'm glad I've got Iruka here with me. Other than helping with Obito and cleaning up around the house, he's been very supportive of the whole situation.

'Have you ever wondered why he acts like that around you?' Okuri suddenly speaks up,

'There is a reason, and I'm sure you know it by now.'

I didn't know what he was getting at, and normally I wouldn't care. But since he's suddenly bringing up Iruka, he's got me curious,

'What are you talking about? That's how he always acts, he's just being nice.'

Okuri scoffs in annyance, and I'm sure if I could see him, he would have been rolling his eyes,

'You're so stupid sometimes, I swear. That's one of his masks, don't you remember? I just told you the other day, or did you forget already?'

To be honest, I did forget. I tend not to remember things like that that he tells me, it's involuntary now. He continues,

'Well, this is his second face, the one he'd only show to people he'd consider close friends and family.'

'So what? If you're trying to get an underlying message across, it'd be easier to just tell me.'

Okuri sighs in my head, almost in a disappointed manner,

'He's getting you and your brat warmed up to himself, in case the idiot doesn't come back from the war.'

'Out of everything you've ever said to me, that's the most incorrect thing I've heard yet.'

'Oh, so you're telling me you haven't noticed it? Well, I have.'

I drowned out his voice while I contemplated what he had just told me, it wasn't true, it couldn't be. Sure Iruka was a good friend of mine, but he wouldn't do something like that. I don't think he would anyway, he's not that kind of person. Besides, we both know Kakashi will be coming home soon.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bright yellow light flashing briefly behind myself. I stood up, and as I turned around to see what it was, it felt like I couldn't breathe all of a sudden. There were two people in front of me, two people I'd never imagined I'd ever get to see again,

"M-Minato-Sensei? Mom?"

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