A New Mission

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I rubbed my head as I watched Naruto charge recklessly at Sasuke, it was a pointless attempt at a close range attack. We were back on our training field, I was trying to teach Naruto about planning a careful attack and how to get the upper hand on an enemy. But he's not quite understanding what I meant. I definitely didn't tell him to just charge Sasuke, I told him to take a slower approach and try to analyze Sasukes' movements.

The Uchiha easily dodges Naruto, and lands a swift punch to the blondes' stomach. Naruto falls to the ground, and Sasuke just moves back a few steps. I sighed and called over,

"That's not what I meant, Naruto. I want you to try and figure out what kind of move Sasuke will make next by the slightest body movements."

"Maybe you should just show me, cause I'm still not gettin' it!" he shouts as he gets to his feet.

"Fine. Sasuke, show him what I mean," I replied while shifting my normal stance to an offensive one,

"Counter my attacks."

I pushed off my back foot and went for the Uchiha, I noticed his dark eyes were trained specifically on me, which was good. As I reached him, I aimed a low punch for his stomach area. And as I expected, he easily blocked it. I then used my other hand to aim a hit at his chest. Which he also blocked.

"Good, Sasuke," I started off,

"Naruto, you could learn a thing or two from him."

I pulled my right leg back as swiftly as I could and swung it at Sasuke. He jumped backwards and easily landed, holding up his arms to block further attacks. He wouldn't need to though, I was done showing Naruto what he was actually supposed to do.

I stood up straight, and crossed my arms while saying,

"That was excellent, Sasuke. Now,"

I looked over to the blonde, who had a annoyed look on his face,

"Naruto, I want you to spar with Sasuke again. Show me you can read his body movements. If you do, I just might teach you a new fighting technique. Understand?"

Naruto's face seemed to light up with excitement, he replies loudly,

"You got it!"

He then looks to Sasuke with a determined grin on his lips,

"You had better not mess this up, Sasuke. I want to learn a new technique."

The Uchiha rolls his eyes as he replies in annoyance,

"Tch, if anyones' going to mess up, it's going to be you."

The two then proceeded to go back and forth at each other, and I couldn't help but smile. It reminds me so much of how Kakashi and Obito used to bicker at each other constantly. Although they argued and fought with each other, they were close friends. It's the same with Naruto and Sasuke, just a new generation.


I rubbed my eyes with a yawn as I shuffled my way into our bedroom, I was beat. It's been too long of a day for me, and I just want to sleep for a week now. As I entered the room, I saw Kakashi already in bed, reading his Icha Icha book. Man, it seems like that's all he ever reads. It probably is though.

He glances up from his reading as I climbed in next to him, and pulled the blanket over myself while curling up at his side. I draped my tail over my legs, he asks,

"You're going to bed already? It's not even eleven, what gives?"

"I'm just tired, okay?" I replied while snuggling more into the warmth the blanket and he provided,

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