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The sight before him was one that would never leave Jimin's mind, no matter how much time passed between now and the future. The image of a naked and bloody Jungkook, forever burned into the deepest recesses of his brain. Waiting for the perfect day to catch him off guard and flash behind his eyelids when he least expected.

He saw Jungkook's lips move yet no words reached his ears. The soothing voice of his maknae unable to get past the rushing of his own blood against his eardrum. The erratic beating of his own heart inside his head. His screaming thoughts all racing a million miles a second, leaving him to do nothing but stare. As if Jungkook could sense his distress, could read his mind, he surged forward. Crossing the room in quick strides until he was at the side of the oversized bed, close enough for Jimin to smell the metallic tang of the blood and to touch the bruised flesh of the boy, if he so desired.

"We have to leave." Jungkook moved the bloody taser to his other hand and grabbed Jimin's bruised wrist. "Now Jimin, we have no time."

Jimin's eyes dropped to where Jungkook's fingers held him, staining his skin with blood he suddenly realized could not be the younger's. There was too much of it.

"Jungkook...you...did...did you kill someone?"

Jungkook didn't respond, didn't move, and Jimin finally noticed just how much the boy was shaking. He raised to his knees, bringing him and Jungkook face to face, and cupped the boy's blood speckled cheeks.

"Jungkook what happened?" He pleaded, the gravity of the situation settling on his shoulders. "Breathe kookie...you're okay...and we need to leave like you said right?"

A shaky inhale slipped past Jungkook's lips and it was like the desperate gasp for air knocked down whatever wall he had managed to build in such a short period of time. Releasing tears and painful sobs that left Jimin's heart shattered, another memory he knew would never leave him, no matter how hard he tried to forget.

"There's...there's so much blood hyung," Jungkook whimpered. "I think...I think they're dead."

Jimin nodded and smoothed his thumbs over Jungkook's cheeks, desperate to wipe away the boy's never ending tears. "They probably are...but they're horrible people and they deserved it...right?"

Jungkook nodded, as if admitting his sins silently would change them.

A pop, as if lightening struck, and the sterile light around them cut out, draping them in darkness before a haunting red glare illuminated the room.

"Hyung." Jungkook's eyes snapped around rapidly, his bloody hand coming to grab at Jimin's bicep. "We need to go, now."

There was no arguing, no time left to comfort, this could very well be their only chance to escape and Jimin wasn't about to lose it. He stumbled off the bed, both of them naked as the day they were born, and rushed out of the room into the hallway. The puddles of blood surrounding the two bodies looked black in the red light, could easily be mistaken for a different substance, but Jimin knew the truth.


Jimin's heart leaped into his throat and his muscles tensed beneath his goose flesh covered skin.


Jimin turned to Jungkook, eyes shaking and staring at the boy as if he held all the answers in the world. It was selfish of him to ask so much, yet he couldn't help it, at the moment Jungkook was his savior. Jungkook caught his gaze before dropping to his knees, bones cracking on the bloody floor and shaking hands tearing off the scrubs from the corpse. Jimin didn't need to question his actions, understood immediately Jungkook's train of thought, and rushed to the second body. The man's face, or what was left of it, was completely kicked in. Flesh and bone sticking out in odd angles that made him nearly unrecognizable as human, if it wasn't for the body attached to the beaten flesh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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