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Seokjin groaned when sharp pain suddenly shot through his skull, turning his brain and any coherent thoughts into mush. Despite the pain and confusion he was able to hold onto one thought, where was he?

His entire body felt like metal as he tried to haul himself off of the ground, only to fail and retract back to his original position. Even though the room appeared to be cast in darkness every time Seokjin tried to pry open his eyes they'd snap shut and a painful burn would settle in his retinas. How long has he been unconscious?

Carefully Seokjin felt around the ground next to him, searching for anything that could help him or indicate where he is. Reaching behind him he flinched in fear when his finger tips brushed past something soft, almost like hair. Hesitantly he reached out and examined the soft object, which he confirmed was hair, and not just any hair, it was definitely human hair. Now he was really confused and the foggy pain in his skull just wasn't helping.

Again Seokjin tried to open his eyes and this time succeeded but to his dismay was only met with more darkness, not a hint of light to be seen. Closing his eyes again to try and ease the burn he wracked his brain for any memories of the previous day, but everything was a blur. A big painful blur that was carving into his skull and pushing out his eyeballs.

Opening his eyes again Seokjin reached out in front of him and let his hand be his eyes. Slowly his eyes were adjusting to the rooms lighting but the darkness was so thick that he could practically touch it. His entire body jolted, which resulted in pain, when his fingers grazed what felt like skin. Extremely soft skin. How many people are in here with him, and where is here?

Blinking rapidly Seokjin tried to make out anything in the thick darkness but it didn't help and only worsened his throbbing headache. Reaching out again he caressed the soft skin and let his fingers try to map out what he was touching. Dipping his fingers lower he gasped when he touched the familiar velvety skin of someones lips. So there's a person behind him and in front of him?

Careful as to not hurt the person, Seokjin dragged his fingers back up and stopped once he felt the cartilage of an ear. Even though he couldn't see the person there was something familiar about them, in an odd way. He froze when his fingers suddenly brushed over something metal, an earring? He closed his eyes and tried to picture the jewelry as his fingers mapped out the shape for him.

There were three. The first one felt like a metal hoop which was wrapped around his lobe. The second one felt like a stud and the third one felt circular, like a sphere. They reminded him of Taehyung's earrings he always wore. But this person couldn't be Taehyung, could it?

Seokjin retracted his hand and tried to sit up for the fifth time, his teeth clenching together as his headache intensified with every movement. Finally he managed to sit but instead of helping it only made him more confused and lost. Suddenly he remembered the person behind him and slowly he shifted his weight so he was facing the mop of hair. He blinked his eyes a couple times to try and identify the person but they remained hidden in a blanket of darkness. Reaching out Seokjin carded his fingers through the person's hair, the soft locks parting gracefully around his digits. Something about the hair felt familiar to him but all hair feels the same, right?

Suddenly the person groaned in discomfort and their body shifted against the concrete floor. The voice sounded so familiar and Seokjin's brows knitted together in confusion. Somewhere in his foggy brain he knew that voice and he could picture the owner, but the boy's face was blurred out and he couldn't get past it.

Another groaned suddenly echoed in the darkness and Seokjin turned around to witness the other boy shifting uncomfortably on the floor. Just like the other boy, he recognized the voice but he couldn't pin point the owner. What is wrong with him and where are they?!

The two boys continued to groan in pain and that's when Seokjin realized something, he had a voice too.

"Are-" Seokjin immediately shut his mouth and gripped his throat in pain.

A terrible fire burning in his esophagus just from saying that one word. He needed water and lots of it. Searching the darkness he looked for any signs of a door or more people, but there was nothing save for him and the two boys. What is this place?

Seokjin jumped when the earring boy suddenly shot up from the floor, his head whipping around frantically as he searched the darkness. He wanted to try and comfort the boy but just by opening his mouth it sent down air that fueled the raging fire in his throat.

"Where...who...what's?" The boys words were incoherent and Seokjin wondered if his throat was on fire too.

Slowly Seokjin reached out and grabbed the boys arms, his thumbs stroking the goosebump riddled skin. Now that he thinks about it, the room is not only dark but freezing too.
Through the darkness he could see the boy's eyes widen with shock, before welling up with tears that immediately cascaded down his smooth cheeks.

"Ji....Jin hyung?" The boy sobbed and instantly the thick fog that was surrounded Seokjin's mind cleared.

"" Seokjin croaked before pulling the terrified boy into his arms.

If this boy is Taehyung, then who's the other boy? Immediately dread twisted Seokjin's stomach into knots and he found himself pulling away from Taehyung to examine the other boy more closely. Taehyung gripped Seokjin's shirt with shaky fists as he watched his hyung study the familiar boy.

Seokjin's numb fingers flew up to his mouth in shock as he stared down at none other than Jimin. He knew that mop of hair felt familiar. Taehyung looked past Seokjin's shoulder and felt more tears stab at his eyes when he saw the blurry outline of his best friends face.

"Where...where are w..e?" Taehyung whimpered, his voice echoing off the walls of the seemingly small and doorless room.

Seokjin turned around to hold the younger and this time he desperately searched his brain for an answer that was still out of reach.

"I don't know Tae...I don't know."

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