Prep p1

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"Head down, ass up."

Taehyung obeyed and dropped his head to the floor, exposing his twitching hole. He heard the man whistle as he walked around his body and it made him sick. He didn't enjoy being treated like an object. He was a fucking human being for christ sake.

The man grabbed Taehyung's ass cheeks and spread them apart until the sensitive skin between them burned and felt like it was about to tear. Taehyung whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut as they began to water. He told himself he wouldn't cry anymore. He didn't want to give these monsters the satisfaction of seeing him break.

"Such a beautiful specimen." The man cooed as he admired the twitching ring of muscle.

The comment made Taehyung sick and if he had anything in his stomach he would've vomited. Suddenly a hand came down on Taehyung's backside, leaving behind a red spot and forcing a pathetic whimper from his lips. He could hear the heavy footsteps of the man behind him but he couldn't see what he was doing and that terrified him. It chilled his blood and sent ice into his bones as he thought about all the possibilities. The only person that has ever touched him so intimately was Jungkook. He wasn't ready for someone to violate him and replace his beloved boyfriend. He didn't even know if Jungkook would still want him if he was dirtied by another man.

"Have you ever had an enema Pet?" The man asked.

Taehyung nodded his head against the floor as best he could, "y-yes."

The man sighed and delivered another heavy slap to Taehyung's presented ass. "Yes what?"

Taehyung bit his lip. He knew what the man wanted him to say, but he just couldn't bring himself to stoop so low. He wasn't ready to break, yet. Another slap was given to the same cheek and Taehyung could've sworn he saw stars because of how hard the man had hit him.

"Answer me you useless fucking dog!" The man yelled, his loud voice echoing off the walls of the practically empty room.

Taehyung remained silent and pictured himself at home. In Jungkook's arms, surrounded by the people he loved as they laughed and poked fun at each other. It was a bitter sweet image and it brought tears to Taehyung's eyes that he didn't bother to hold back.

He heard the man spit curse word after curse word as his footsteps receded. Every word was directed to him and some of the stuff he was saying was enough to make Taehyung want to curl up and sob.

Taehyung jolted when the man suddenly returned and grabbed one of his cheeks, spread it apart, then shoved something thin and long into his hole. He screamed and the man shifted his grip to his hips, holding him in place and leaving him no room to adjust. It didn't necessarily hurt, Taehyung realized, but it was uncomfortable and without lube it burned the sensitive ring of muscle. Taehyung was used to Jungkook, who treated him like a delicate doll about to break. This man didn't give a shit and was probably hoping he broke into a million little pieces.

"I was going to lube it up and use warm water, but then you decided to be a bad Pet."

Taehyung's eyes widened. He knew enemas could hurt, he's done it before, it's necessary for anal sex. But he's always used warm water to ease the discomfort and the amount of water he wants. He has no idea how cold or how much water is about to poured into him and he's praying its not too much.

His prayers weren't answered.

Taehyung gasped in pain and dug his nails into the hardwood floors when ice cold water started to flood his body. He could feel it rushing through his system, every fucking ounce of it, and it hurt. Cramps immediately started to twist at his lower stomach and all he could do was just lie there and sob into the floor.

"Thats right Pet, fucking take it, every fucking drop." The man sneered and Taehyung sobbed in response.

"St-op!" Taehyung cried as he tried to drag his body away from the man. Except all the man had to do was tighten his grip and pull, and Taehyung was jerked back to place like a rag doll. It was humiliating and painful, absolutely painful and Taehyung wanted to die. He could feel his stomach start to swell as the water continued to come. An endless stream of ice invading his body and twisting his muscles into tight knots.
He felt sick. The feeling of his inflated intestines pushing against his stomach, paired with the cramps, made him want to vomit.

So he did. All over the floor and on himself. It was nothing but stomach acid and it burned his throat so bad that he wished he could drink some of that water being dumped into him. But he was only allowed one cup of water a week and he's already had it.

"Now you've fucking done it Pet." The man groaned and the next thing Taehyung knew the stream had stopped and the tube was being pulled out of him and replaced with a buttplug.

"What...what a-are you doing?" Taehyung sobbed as the cold water continued to slosh around inside him.

"Shut up." The man spat, which didn't answer Taehyung's question.

Taehyung bit his lip and clenched his fists, the cramps only becoming worse by the second. "W-why are you keep...keeping the water in-inside?"

"I said shut up!" The man growled then kicked Taehyung in the side. Sending him crashing to the floor and in the puddle of his own vomit. He cringed at the feeling but thankfully the new position relieved the cramps ever so slightly.

"You really are the worse Pet I've ever trained."

Taehyung opened his eyes and stared into the man's, who was eyeing him back with the same intensity. The man smirked then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black remote. His thumb moved over a button and immediately the plug inside Taehyung began to vibrate, fast and hard.

Taehyung's eyes rolled back in his skull and he cried in utter pain and pleasure. Pain because it only worsened the cramps by disrupting the water. And pleasure because the tip of the plug was pressed directly against his prostate, which allowed it to abuse the sensitive gland with strong vibrations.

The man released a dark laugh then dropped his hand to his crotch so he could palm at his boner. "The worse Pets are always the most fun."

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