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Seokjin pov

"Wake up slave!"

I jolted, burning pain quickly spreading over my back.

"I said wake up!"

More pain spread over my thigh. I tried to open my eyes but the bright lights forced them shut again.

"Slaves are supposed to listen!"

I dropped my head, using my bangs as a shield from the blinding lights. This time I saw the object he was hitting me with. It was a wooden paddle and it was stained with blood. I whimpered when the dirty wood connected with my other thigh, an angry red mark left behind on the skin.

"Are you going to listen to me?!"

I cried when thick fingers suddenly gripped my hair and yanked my head back. The lights shined directly into my eyes, forcing tears onto my lashes. "Answer slave!" The man growled, his thick fingers tugging even harder at my hair. I wanted to answer, the urge to give up and end the pain was strong, but I'm stronger. I kept my mouth shut and clenched my fists, those tears finally slipping down my temples and into my hairline.

"Stubborn bitch!" The man pulled my head to the side then slapped me, over and over again. His hand was heavy, like a brick, and with each slap I could feel my consciousness slipping.

"You better stay awake slave!"

The slaps had stopped but I could still feel the pain. It burned, as if someone was holding a candle to my cheek. I tried to move for the first time since I woke up. I was sitting on a chair but my arms were strapped down and so were my legs. My naked body on display for him. These people are sick.

Finally he released my hair and I let my head fall, the tears slipping down my nose and onto the throbbing skin of my thighs. "W-why are-" I froze and hunched over in pain. Sharp pain suddenly shooting up my spine as something vibrated in my ass. I'm going to die here.

"Do you like that?!" The man laughed. I refused to answer and kept my head bowed, more tears pouring down my cheeks as the vibrating continued. It hurt but at the same time it felt amazing. The tip of the vibrator hitting my prostate dead on, just like Namjoon's cock.

"Answer me or I turn it up!" The man threatened. Please no. I dug my nails into my palms and bit my lip so hard I broke the skin. My entire body was starting to shake from the mixture of pain and pleasure, but I can't speak. I can't give these sick people the satisfaction of seeing me break.

"Agh!" I screamed when the wooden paddle cracked down on my thigh. Blood dripped from my lip and onto my thigh, the dark liquid mixing with my tears.

I can't do this. I'm sorry Jimin. I'm sorry Taehyung.

"It h..urts!" I cried, every fiber of my body shaking. Why is this happening to me? What's happening to Jimin and Taehyung?

The man laughed, the sound resonating deep within his chest, it gave me chills. Suddenly the vibrating stopped but I could still feel the object, lodged deep inside me.

"Look at me." He commanded and I obeyed. The lights were still burning my eyes, but this time I was able to make out some features of my torturer. He was muscular, tall, and bald. Almost every visible inch of his body was covered in tattoos and he had at least three piercings on each ear. Just looking at him made me sick and the thought of him touching me made me gag.

"You will call me Sir, understand?" He asked, crouching down so we were face to face. His breath wreaked of cigarettes and his face was covered in a layer of filth.

I'm sorry Namjoon.

"Yes Sir."

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