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The wheelchair clicked as it rolled down the hallway. As if a bolt was loose, just waiting to slip free and send him tumbling to the cold, unforgiving floor. The drugs were wearing off. Giving a spotlight to the pain, the throb that was pulling his muscles taunt. Like a rope fraying at the edges, one tug away from snapping.

The chair took a turn and Jungkook's nails dug into the leather of the armrests. A new door was towering before him; identical to all the others, tall and metal, yet hiding unimaginable horrors behind it.

"Plu...ple..please." He couldn't go in there, whatever was behind that door was going to break him and he knew it. Could feel it by the way his stomach dropped, by the way his heart raced, the way his hands shook.

Ignoring his plea, the man behind him stepped forward to the keypad on the door. A mechanical beep echoed in the hallway and tears gathered in his eyes, a visceral reaction to the sound of his own demise.

The door slid open. Disappearing into a pocket cut out of the concrete wall. And Jungkook couldn't help but be reminded of how trapped they all were. Locked up in a seemingly endless concrete box.

He wanted to look away, except he couldn't. Not when wide, innocent eyes were staring at him like he held the world in his hands; or at least their freedom.

All Jungkook could do was stare, eyes brimming with tears as he was wheeled closer. Forced into the empty room with his naked boyfriend placed nearly perfect in the center, and a tattooed man standing over his crumpled form. Taehyung's eyes followed him, locked onto him as if looking away meant he disappeared.

He looked awful; with bruises littering his body and face, along with a collar sitting snug around his neck. Jungkook hadn't seen himself since the day he woke up in that room, but he knew he was a sight to see as well.

The wheels of the chair locked and that's when Jungkook noticed the stare of the man behind Taehyung. There was a smirk gracing his features, a disgusting smugness that Jungkook wished he could wipe off the man's face. Like he did with the bitch in Jimin's room.

"Look who we finally have here." The man stalked closer, stepping over Taehyung like he was a measly house pet. Eyes trained on Jungkook. "I knew you'd be pretty but I didn't think you'd be this pretty."

Jungkook gave no reaction, quickly understanding that they disliked that more than anything. And with the drugs still coursing through his system, it was an obvious tactic to choose.

The man stopped a few feet from Jungkook and looked back at Taehyung, who's eyes were still wide and unmoving. "So this is that oh so special boyfriend I've heard you cry so much about?" He grabbed Jungkook's face and tilted his head around, examining him. "He is nice, I bet his body is even better. Unload him."

The man removed his hand and stepped back, arms crossed. Jungkook gripped the leather armrests as the man behind him unbuckled the straps holding him down. What did they expect him to do, he could barely feel his legs. Without warning, the wheelchair was tipped forward and Jungkook tumbled to the hardwood floor, his cheek slapping the polished wood.

The man laughed and turned back to Taehyung. "Well go on, aren't you going to help your precious boyfriend?"

Jungkook looked up, the effort causing his muscles to shake, and locked eyes with his boyfriend. Tears were falling down the boy's cheeks as Taehyung crawled to him, like a dog on all fours. Jungkook wanted to reach out, except his muscles refused, and his arm slapped to the floor.

"Tu...Tae," he whimpered.

Taehyung's hands were shaking as they hovered over Jungkook's body, scared to touch. He pet the maknae's tangled hair, feeling the familiar softness against his fingertips, before finally pulling the boy into his arms.

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