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"Boys this is your private Investigator Wansoo, please treat him with respect because he is working very hard." Sejun stepped to the side, allowing the stranger to pass through the doorframe and into the tense environment. Everyone bowed but there were no kind words or smiles. It wasn't a time for smiles, even fake ones.

"Hello, it's an honor to work with you guys. I hope I can bring back your members quickly and safely." Wansoo bowed and smiled at the grim boys. "First I'd like to interview each one of you individually, may I speak with Namjoon first?"

Namjoon nodded then followed Wansoo into the kitchen, not even bothering to spare a glance at the other members. Namjoon took a seat at the table and watched as Wansoo sat across from him. The man took out a notepad and a pen, he clicked it on the table, then flicked his eyes up to Namjoon.

"So Namjoon, can you please describe the people that took the members?" Wansoo asked while pressing the tip of his pen against the paper, primed and ready to write.

Namjoon grimaced, just thinking about that day made his stomach twist into uncomfortable knots and his fingers itch for a bottle of soju.

"I can ask you another question if you're not ready?" Wansoo asked, the tip of his pen still pressed into the paper.

Namjoon shook his head. He can do it. He's the leader and he needs to be strong. "It was two guys. They were tall, maybe six feet, taller than me for sure. They were both dressed in black suits and were wearing dark tinted sunglasses. Which made it impossible to get a read on their faces. That's all I remember...before I was knocked out."

Wansoo's hand moved fast as he scribbled down Namjoon's words. This was valuable information and he didn't want to make the boy repeat something that obviously bothered him. "How were you knocked out?"

"One of the guys hit me in the head with a gun." Namjoon felt sick admitting to it. He was supposed to be the leader yet he was the first one taken down. Pathetic.

Wansoo nodded, concluding that the gun was probably a standard pistol. A gun any low life criminal could get their hands on. "Your manager told me that you and one of the members taken are dating, may I know which one?"

Namjoon couldn't hide the sour expression that twisted at his facial features. He didn't understand what his and Seokjin's relationship had to do with the investigation. And just thinking about his boyfriend made his blood boil and his vision red with rage. Namjoon didn't want a private Investigator, he wanted to go out there, find the fuckers himself, and rip their dicks off.


Namjoon sighed and let his gaze drop to the table, "Seokjin is my boyfriend."

Wansoo scribbled something down then seemed to lean forward in his seat. "How long have you two been together?"

"Two years...going on three."

Again Wansoo scribbled his answer down. The sound of pen on paper starting to annoy Namjoon, who still had a slight hangover from drinking all last night.

"Was Seokjin the first one to be taken?"

Namjoon's hand clenched into a fist but he hid it underneath the table. He wished he could release his anger on the fuckers who took his boyfriend and friends. But no, he's stuck here. Talking to a man who he knows isn't going to do anything to help them. "Yes Seokjin was taken first, they put a bag over his head that had some kind of drug in it."

Wansoo's eyebrows raised and this time he didn't scribble down the answer. "A drug? What makes you say that?" He asked, leaning forward a little more.

Namjoon shrugged, images of Seokjin's limp body in the arms of that man flashing in his mind. "He went limp after they put the bag on him, so I'm guessing it must've had a drug in it. Because Seokjin isn't someone who gives up easily," he said as a small smile tugged at his lips at the thought of Seokjin's feisty moments.

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