Master's Rules

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"Wakey wakey pet!!"

Taehyung jolted awake from his uneasy sleep, his entire body stiff and rigid from being curled up in a ball.

"Today is a big day pet!" The man yelled as he sauntered up towards Taehyung's cage. Taehyung glared at the man and noticed a brown paper bag in his right hand. He didn't even want to think about what might be in there. Taehyung shrank backwards when the man crouched down in front of the cage and began to toy with the lock. As each second passed Taehyung could feel his stomach cinching and his limbs shaking with anxiety. He didn't want the scary man to touch him. He just wants to go home.

Once the lock clicked open the man threw open the cage door and grabbed Taehyung by the front of his shirt. Taehyung yelped and grabbed onto the metal walls of the cage, he's not leaving without a fight. "I wouldn't do that if I were you pet." The man warned, the veins in his ink stained arm popping out from the strain. Taehyung screwed his eyes shut, the metal of the cage starting to cut into his fingers.

"Fucking bitch." The man cursed before pulling with all his strength. The sweat on Taehyung's fingers caused them to slip off the metal, sending him flying into the man's chest. The man grabbed Taehyung's hair and slammed his head into the wooden floor, his hands already caressing the curves of the boys body. "Let me go!" Taehyung screamed against the floor, his breath fogging the freshly polished wood. His entire body felt hypersensitive, he could feel the man's fingers crawl down his torso, before stopping to hook into the waistband of his joggers.

"Rule number one, pets don't wear clothes."

Taehyung screamed into the floor as the man yanked down his pants and underwear. Leaving his bottom half completely bare and open for the taking. The man's fingers tensed in Taehyung's hair then lifted his head up, a puddle of spit and tears left behind on the floor. Harsh fingers grabbed his shirt and tore it off his body, leaving him naked and vulnerable.

"Rule number two, pets wear collars."

Taehyung could hear the sound of the paper bag being opened followed by the sound of a bell. The man tugged Taehyung's hair to the side, bending his neck in an awkward position so he could buckle the black leather dog collar around it. The man smirked and flicked the little gold bell with his finger, "it looks good on you."

Taehyung whimpered when the man's fingers finally released his hair. A dull throb immediately spreading over his scalp. Taehyung watched from the floor as the man stood, his tall and muscular body casting a dark shadow over him. "Rule number three, pets walk on their hands and knees," the man said. Taehyung felt sick. Sick, cold, and tired. Just days ago he was in the warm arms of his boyfriend and now he's lying on the floor naked, scared, in pain, and humiliated.
"Did you not here me? I said hands and knees bitch." The man spat, some of his saliva hitting Taehyung in the face.

Taehyung ignored him and pressed his face into the floor to try and hide his tears. If he can't fight back he might as well disobey.

"Aghh," Taehyung cried out when the man grabbed a fistful of his hair again. The man lifted Taehyung off the floor and onto his knees so he was facing his jean covered groin. "Rule number four, bad pets get punished." The man said while using his other hand to unbuckle his jeans. Taehyung's eyes widened in horror and his nails clawed at the man's thighs. Tears also bit at his eyes as he tugged against the hand in his hair. But it was no use, the man was stronger than him and he was weak. Nothing but a pathetic dog.

"Suck." The man commanded and this time Taehyung complied.

[sorry for ignoring this book guys. I just really want to finish my JungkookxBTS series 😂]

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