Your Type

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Seokjin watched as his breath came out in foggy puffs. The freezing cold room chilling everything, even his tears. The slight warmth from Jimin and Taehyung's body helped a little to ease the chill, but it still wasn't enough and Seokjin could feel himself getting sleepier as the hours ticked by. Not only were the boys freezing cold but they were starving as well. Their minds incapable of remembering the last time they ate or what it even was.

Seokjin was jerked out of his daze when Jimin's sobs suddenly filled the small concrete room. The empty concrete room amplifying the heart wrenching sound.

"Shhh Jimin, shhh," Seokjin whispered as he stroked the youngers greasy hair.

Taehyung groaned, the unnerving noise jostling him out of his sleep. Hurriedly, Seokjin stroked Taehyung's equally greasy hair, willing the boy to lie his head on his lap and sleep. Suddenly Jimin shot up and with his fists he rubbed at his eyes, quick puffs of fog also coming out of his chapped lips.

"Jimin please go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare," Seokjin cooed, his hand hovering over Jimin's back in case he fell.

Almost every time Jimin sleeps he has a nightmare. Seokjin guessed it was because of Yoongi and Hoseok's absence. Those two really had an impact on Jimin and it killed Seokjin to have to watch the young boy crumble from the inside out.

"They hate me hyung! I...I just wanted be a good boyfriend!" Jimin cried, the noise fully waking up Taehyung.

Seokjin shook his head and began to rub circles on Jimin's back, something that always seemed to soothe him. But then again, Seokjin wasn't Yoongi or Hoseok.

"You are a good boyfriend Jimin, it was just a nightmare," Seokjin whispered, desperately trying to ease Jimin back into sleep. That's all they can do, sleep and wait for their kidnappers to finally kill them.

Jimin's crying came to an abrupt stop when the concrete on the far wall suddenly slid open, revealing a sleek black screen. The boys watched the screen intensely as a white dot appeared, the small image blinked rapidly before stretching and turning into a white line that ran across the screen.

"Hyung..what's happening?" Taehyung whispered, his hands clutching the material of Seokjin's shirt.

"I don't know Tae," Seokjin whispered as he focused on the white line.

"Hello Seokjin, Taehyung, and Jimin."

The boys jumped after hearing the robotic voice emitting from the TV. The white line wobbling in sync with the voice.

"We are The Circle and we are here to train you."

Jimin sobbed and clasped his hands over his mouth in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and he didn't want to. He just wants to be with his boyfriends.

"Your training won't start until tomorrow but today we will tell you your types."

Seokjin's entire world came crashing down when a picture of him and Namjoon, in bed, appeared on the screen. He remembered that moment like it was yesterday and having his dongseangs see him like that made him sick.

"Kim Seokjin or Jin. Age 25. Position, bottom. Your type is (S)."

Seokjin felt sick after hearing that robotic voice speak but he felt even sicker after hearing his type. He doesn't even know what (S) means and he probably doesn't want to know.

"Kim Taehyung or V. Age 21. Position, bottom and top. Your type is (P)."

Taehyung turned away from the screen when a picture of him and Jungkook, in the dance studio, flashed onto the screen. Taehyung was pressed against the mirrors with Jungkook between his legs. They were both naked and Taehyung has never felt more embarrassed in his entire life.

"Park Jimin or Jimin. Age 21. Position, bottom. Your type is (BB)."

Just like they did with Seokjin and Taehyung. A picture of Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok popped up on the screen. They were all in Yoongi's studio and Jimin wanted to cry the longer he stared at the picture. Those people were watching them and Jimin's never felt more uncomfortable in his entire life. Just the thought of people watching him made Jimin's skin crawl, and now he knows it was actually happening.

"Training starts tomorrow, please enjoy your time together. Because this will probably be the last time you ever see each other."

(oooo, any guesses for what the types stand for?)

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