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Jimin pov

"Jimin ah,"

I stirred, the voice echoing in the back of my head.

"Baby boy,"

I groaned, my eyes blinking open slowly due to the bright lights.

"Baby it's time to wake up,"

"Wh-at? Where...where am I?" I slurred. My body felt heavy and cold, despite the warm temperature in the room, and every time I tried to move something was holding me down. The weight was starting to become painful and every little movement sent sharp pain to my skull.

"Shh baby, don't move," the voice whispered, "the drugs haven't worn off yet."

Groaning, I let his eyes roll closed, the warmth of a human suddenly pressed against my cheek. The warmth stroked my cheek, stopping every once in awhile to toy at my bottom lip. The action reminded me of my boyfriends, Hoseok loved to pinch my cheeks any chance he got, while Yoongi preferred to play with my lips. "Hyungs?" I groaned, hoping the mystery voice was either Yoongi or Hoseok.

"Shh baby, don't speak." The voice whispered while continuing to stroke my face. I frowned, the voice sounded too feminine to be Hoseok or Yoongi. "Who..who are you?" I mumbled, even though my tongue sat heavy in my mouth like a piece of stone.

"I said don't speak," the voice snapped, followed by a sharp pain on my cheek. My heavy eyelids flew open and I glared at the blurry figure above me. The blurry figure seemed to smile before grabbing my cheeks and squishing them in its grip. "You're so cute when you're angry." The figure cooed, it's nails digging crescents into my skin. It burned.

I was silent as my vision started to become clear, the blurry figure squeezing my cheeks slowly becoming a female. She had curly black hair, a round face, and thin lips that were pulled into a devilish grin. She looked terrifying and the longer I stared at her, the more scared I became.

"Don't be scared baby boy, mommys here." The lady cooed, her grip finally loosening on my face. Once my head fell from her grip it landed on something soft, a pillow? I strained my neck to see and sure enough, a pristine white pillow was lying underneath my head. And beneath the pillow, a bed. A cold sweat took over my body as my mind slowly processed everything.

I'm not in that concrete room anymore. I'm not with Taehyung and Jin. I'm strapped to a bed, and there's a lady calling herself mommy.

"What's going on? Where am I? Where's Taehyung and Jin hyung?!" I cried, hot and painful tears already streaming down my face. The ladies eyes widened and she pulled back slightly, deep creases in her forehead quickly forming. My stomach sank and I wished I could've taken back those words

I was silent when her bony hand cracked down on my cheek for the second time. The skin on my cheek was burning as more hot tears blurred my vision, I just want to go home. Another slap came down on my cheek and this time I cried, the intense pain squeezing the sound out of me. Again and again and again she slapped me, until I couldn't feel the skin on my face and I was begging her to stop.

"Never raise your voice at me again, do you understand?!" She asked while pointing her bony finger at me. I didn't want to respond, but the fear of her slapping me again was too strong. I nodded slowly, tears still brimming in my eyes, and fire still biting at my cheeks. A sharp cry left my lips when her hand connected with my sore cheek, why is this happening to me?

"Use your words," she demanded. Those tight creases in her forehead never leaving.

"I...I understand." I sobbed, being careful to not raise my voice. Her thin lips pulled into that devilish grin and those tight creases melted away. "Good boy."

(Do you guys prefer when I write in first person or third person?)

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