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Jimin pov

"Is Mommy's baby ready to play?"

I glared at the large metal door and watched as she slipped into the room and flipped the lights on. The bright yellow lights burned my eyes, so I bowed my head, my overgrown bangs hiding my face.

"Baby boy, look at me when I'm talking to you." She said followed by the rough tug of her fingers in my hair. My greasy, disgusting, overgrown hair. I looked up into her cold eyes and tried to pull away from her hand but she was too strong and I was too weak. Yoongi and Hoseok would be disappointed in me if they could see me now, and ARMYs would be disgusted.

She smiled, leaned down, and kissed my cheek. "Smile baby, you look better when you smile."

I grimaced and rubbed at my cheek but I could still feel her lips. Her wet, slimy lips.

"Are you ready to play with the toys Mommy bought for you?"

"No." I said and I could've sworn I saw her smile get bigger.

"Awe come on Baby, you're gonna hurt Mommy's feelings." She said with a pout that made me want to throw up the few pieces of food I had left in my stomach. I clenched my fists as I stared at her disgustingly red lips pulled into that stupid pout, she was taunting me and I hated it. Red hot anger was pulsing through my veins and without thinking I found myself leaning forward, so I could stare straight into her dead, soulless eyes.

"Go fuck yourself." I said before pushing her with all my strength, which wasn't much. But it was enough to send her off the bed and crashing to the floor.

I jumped off the bed and landed on top of her. I tried to put as much body weight on her as possible but I was so skinny, so weak. "Fuck you!" I cried then hit her as hard as I could in that stupid mouth of hers. She gasped and tried to throw me off but I hit her again, this time in the eyes. Tears were welling up in her now swollen eyes and I didn't even realize that I was crying too. I just miss my hyungs, I miss my boyfriends, I just want to see them. At least once.

"Take me back! I want to go home!" I cried while hitting her, over and over again. Blood was smeared all over her face and she was cursing but I wasn't listening, I was crying too hard.

"Get the fuck off me you brat!" She screamed followed by the sharp crack of bone connecting with my cheek. The room spun and I felt my body collide with something hard but I couldn't tell what it was or where I was. Everything was dark and everything hurt and I just want my Yoongi and Hoseok hyung. Please.

"How dare you! You fucking ungrateful brat!"

I opened my eyes and watched as she grabbed something out of a large white cabinet. She turned around and I wanted to run when I saw a leather belt in her hands. I tried to stand but it was pointless, everything was pointless. Fighting back is pointless, maybe even living is pointless.

She was silent as she approached me, nothing but the sound of my sobs filling the practically empty room.

"On your hands and knees!"

My entire body was shaking as I lifted myself up to the position she asked for, there was no use in fighting anymore. I can never win, I'm too weak without my hyungs. She grabbed my pajama shirt and pulled it up my shoulder blades. Then she grabbed my pants and pulled them down to my knees, leaving my entire backside exposed. I bowed my head, bit my lip, and clenched my fists. Waiting for the pain to begin.

"Thirty lashes and for every sound you make I add five more. Do you understand?"

I sucked in a sharp breath and nodded, more tears falling to the hardwood floors. Every fiber in my body tensed when I felt the rough leather connect with my back, but I didn't make a sound.

"Use your words brat!"

"Y-yes...I under..stand." I said yet she hit me again, this time harder and in the exact same spot. I sobbed and dug my nails into the flesh of my palm, maybe I could distract myself with more pain.

"Use proper words you fucking idiot!" She screamed then cracked the belt against the floor. I flinched and started to cry harder, I can't do this.

"Yes Mommy I understand!" I said and a scream tore through my throat when the belt cut into my skin.

"Thirty-five lashes, since you like to be vocal."

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