Mommy's Rules

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The tears wouldn't stop as Jimin rocked back and forth on the bed. His arms were wrapped tight around his legs, pulling them close to his chest in an attempt to feel safe. To feel anything besides fear. The lady had unstrapped Jimin's arms and legs before she left, but she also turned off the lights, leaving the room in complete darkness. It was so dark that Jimin couldn't even see his hands quivering in front of his face. How did they know he's afraid of the dark?

" me," Jimin sobbed into his knees. The crying boy jumped when the lights suddenly flickered on and the same lady from earlier appeared at the foot of his bed. "Leave...leave me alone," Jimin sobbed weakly. The lady smirked, shook her head, and walked around to the side of the bed. Jimin didn't have any time to escape before the lady grabbed his ear and yanked him off the bed. Jimin stumbled onto his feet, putting more tension on his throbbing ear.

"Get in the corner. Baby boys who give mommy orders get time outs." The lady demanded while pointing to one of the corners in the room. Jimin was speechless from the request, who does this bitch think she is? "No," Jimin spat. The ladies smirk never faltered, as if she's dealt with this exact situation before, "baby boys who don't listen get spankings."

A sick feeling found its way inside of Jimin's stomach and he honestly felt like bursting into tears right there. Jimin kept his head bowed as he shuffled into the corner. It was humiliating. The most humiliating thing Jimin has ever done. What made it even worse was that he could feel the ladies eyes on him, watching his every move, studying him. That's all these people are doing, studying him and toying with him for their own sick amusement.

Hot embarrassing tears rolled down Jimin's cheeks as he stared at the white drywall. He'd love to punch a hole through the wall but the lack of proper food rendered his body weak and useless. He's always been weak and useless.

"Okay baby boy, you can turn around now."

Slowly Jimin turned around, not even bothering to wipe away the tear tracks on his face. Why bother when he was probably going to cry more anyway. Sure enough Jimin felt another wave of tears burn his eyes when he saw the various onesies laid out on the floor.

"Pick one out baby boy," The lady demanded. That sick feeling worsened the longer Jimin stared at the childish clothing. They were all terrible and he couldn't bring himself to pick one. He'd rather get punished than wear one of those onesies. Each onesie came with accessories and each set of accessories worse than the last. "I'm n-not wearing any o-f these," Jimin sniffed. This time the ladies smirk did falter, her red stained lips pulling into a tight thin line and her hands balling into fists at her sides.

"Listen you little brat, your ideal type is baby boy and I am your mommy. Which means you will listen to everything I say and if you don't I will punish you. I suggest you listen because it'll make your time here way more enjoyable."

Jimin didn't want to be intimidated by the lady, what's the worst she could honestly do to him. But that sick feeling was still twisting his stomach into knots and Jimin knew his fate was already sealed. "I'll wear that one." Jimin said while pointing at the koala onesie which was accompanied by a grey pacifier, a pair of mittens in the shape of koala paws, and koala print briefs. The lady smiled, "good choice baby boy."

She grabbed the outfit and with one finger, motioned for Jimin to come. With shaky legs Jimin walked up to the lady and stood in front of her. She was definitely taller than Jimin and was quite muscular. She could easily overpower him. "Strip baby boy," She commanded, her hungry eyes already devouring him. Jimin froze with his eyes focused on the floor, he can't do this, he can't give up yet.

"Fuck you!" Using all his strength Jimin pushed the ladies chest and made a beeline for the large door. Jimin screamed as loud as he could and pounded on the locked door, he should've realized it'd be locked. The hard wood was starting to bruise Jimin's hands, his throat was starting to burn, and that sick feeling was making him dizzy. But he can't stop, someone has to help him, right?

Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around his stomach, pulling him away from his only chance at escaping. Jimin tried to escape the ladies grip by kicking, punching, screaming, and scratching, everything a kid would've done. Maybe he really is a baby, a weak and useless baby who relied on his boyfriends for everything.

"No! N-no! Let me go!" Jimin sobbed as the lady bent his limp body over her knee. He dug his nails into the ladies thigh except it didn't even seem to faze her. Is this lady made of stone?

"Maybe you'll learn to be a good boy after this."

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