Prep p3

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Jimin blinked rapidly beneath the material of the blindfold as he was lead down twists and turns. There were slivers of light peeking through the blindfold but other than that he was blind, and it was terrifying.

"Calm down baby boy, we'll be there soon," the woman cooed.

Her words only made Jimin more on edge, as if he was teetering on stilts and about to fall with no one there to catch him. Normally if he ever felt like that, his boyfriends would be there to catch him, to cradle him in their arms as if he was made of porcelain. But he was alone, so all he can expect to do now is fall and shatter.

Every muscle in Jimin's body tensed when cold, spider like fingers grabbed his arms and forced him into what he believes was a plastic chair.

"I'm going to take the blindfold off, okay baby boy?" The woman asked and Jimin knew by now that she expected a verbal answer.

"Yes mommy." He took in a shaky breath that felt like shards of glass and braced himself for whatever sight was about to be revealed.

The instant the blindfold was removed from Jimin's eyes, he was horrified to be met with a child themed bathroom. The shower curtain was white with rubber ducks decorating it, which matched the toilet seat cover. There were stickers of cartoon frogs all over the white washed walls, and the bathmats were a fuzzy baby blue. The whole room looked like a TV show set and it made Jimin's skin crawl to think that someone was probably watching him.

"I need you to take your onesie off baby boy," the woman ordered as she collected something from a cabinet next to the door.

A wave of anxiety washed over Jimin's body, crushing his lungs and sending tremors throughout his body. "W-why?" He whispered even though he knew the question was going to earn him a punishment.

Instead of answering him, the woman turned around and set a box of wax strips onto the counter next to him. She stood in front of him, arms crossed, and red lips pulled into a tight line. Before Jimin had a chance to apologize for questioning an order, a heavy smack was delivered to his cheek. "Take off your clothes, now," She demanded again.

Jimin held back tears as he grabbed the zipper on the front of the koala onesie and pulled it down, exposing his bare chest and matching briefs. He stood and wiggled out of the onesie before sitting back down, the hard material of the plastic chair cold on his thighs. Jimin watched from his seat as the woman opened up the box and started to prepare the wax strips. He's only waxed himself for his boyfriends, which he usually enjoyed, but now the idea of being waxed forcefully made him sick.

"Here." The woman shoved a small plastic container into Jimin's shaky hands. "Put them on."

Jimin recognized the container. So when he opened it and found greyish blue eye contacts, he wasn't surprised. A little disgusted, but not surprised.

"Don't say you don't know how to put them on, I know you do," the woman hissed and her words were enough to make Jimin flinch.

"I...I need a mirror," Jimin whispered and his words were answered with another slap. Which almost made him drop the lenses and fall out of the chair.

The woman crouched in front of Jimin and grabbed his thighs, which had slimmed down significantly from the lack of proper food. "You've been here for awhile baby boy, I thought by now you would've learned how to speak to me."

Jimin tried to blink back his tears but all it did was cause them to fall down his reddened cheeks. There was no way he'd be able to put the lenses on now. Which meant a punishment, so many punishments. The thought of being punished again, especially with the belt, forced a sob past his trembling lips. He could still feel the sting from the belt on his back, and he was sure the scars were even worse.

"Baby boy look at me." The woman dug her nails into his thighs, burying the command into his skin.

Jimin raised his eyes and glared at the woman through his tears.

"If you listen to me and be a good baby boy, then I'll reward you with someone special."

The word 'someone' rang inside Jimin's head like a siren and he had to stop himself from passing out with excitement. His mind was racing with the idea of seeing Yoongi or Hoseok, and being able to be held by them. Even if it was just for a few minutes or even seconds, he'd still be happy.

"Do you understand baby boy?" The woman asked as she got ready to apply the first wax strip to Jimin's leg.

Jimin was so excited that he didn't even think twice about the situation and nodded eagerly, almost childlike. "Yes mommy I understand."

(shiiiit it's been awhile, I hope people still read this story lol)

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