Sir's Rules

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Seokjin groaned when the leather whip connected with his back. The leather practically separating his skin from the bone.

"Who are you?!"

Another hit, this time on the stomach. His body immediately reacted and tried to coil in on itself but the chains holding his arms above his head prevented any movement. He was open and vulnerable.

"Answer me when I ask you a question!"

The whip snapped at Seokjin's thighs, the leather getting dangerously close to his manhood. He grabbed the chains that were holding his arms and clutched them so hard his knuckles turned white. He wasn't going to give in. He has to stay strong. For his dongsaengs.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't ya?" The bald man sneered, frustration and sweat embedded in the wrinkles of his forehead. "You think you're ever gonna see your boyfriend again, eh? Or those pretty little friends you have?"

Seokjin glared at the man through his sweat matted bangs, he'd kill him if he could move. "You''re lucky I'm chained u-up."

The bald man chuckled and dragged the whip carelessly around Seokjin's body, the rough leather aggravating the fresh wounds. "You'll never see your little friends again pretty boy. The only way you'd ever see em again is if the same rich fuck buys y'all."

A sick feeling started to pool in Seokjin's stomach but he swallowed it. He can't show weakness. He's not weak. The bald man sighed and cracked the whip against the floor, a little too close to his bare feet.

"You're by far the prettiest slave I've ever had and I've had a lot," the bald man snickered.

He lifted up his filthy hands and caressed Seokjin's strained arms, his fingers massaging the sore flesh.

"So pretty, so smooth." He whispered, the scent of cigarettes slapping Seokjin in the face.

The touch and words of the bald man made Seokjin's stomach twist and turn but he couldn't escape, all he could do is endure.

"Did you used to shave for your boyfriend? Hmm?" The bald man taunted, his fingers traveling agonizingly slow down Seokjin's body.

His breath caught in his throat when the bald man's fingers brushed over his nipples. The sensitive skin tingling underneath the touch.

"Sensitive are we?" The bald man smirked as he tweaked the pink buds between his fingers.

Seokjin twitched from the unwanted pleasure, pathetic sounds threatening to escape his dry and torn up lips.

"Did your boyfriend ever touch you like this?" The bald man whispered into Seokjin's ear.

"D-don't talk about h-him," Seokjin stuttered, tears starting to well in his eyes.

A pained whimper escaped his lips when the bald man dug his nails into his nipples. Easily piercing the delicate skin.

"You don't tell me what to do slave, I can do whatever the fuck I want," he growled before sliding his hands down to Seokjin's hips.

"What was your boyfriends name again? Nimjun? Nemjoon?" The bald man taunted and Seokjin knew he was just trying to get a rise out of him.

The bald man smirked, "come on pretty boy, tell me his name. Or did my skillful fingers make ya forget about him already?"

"Namjoon. His name is Namjoon," Seokjin spat. Every muscle in his body tense and every nerve on the verge of snapping.

Fire spread over Seokjin's thigh when the bald man slapped the wounded skin, blood from the cut staining his hand.

"Good slave," hee whispered, his hands rubbing the tender skin around Seokjin's thigh wounds.

Seokjin bit his lip, the tears he's been holding back finally falling but he still managed to hold back the pathetic whimpers and sobs.

"You'll never see Namjoon again," the bald man said, his fingers brushing over the puffy edges of Seokjin's wounds.

"He's probably happy you're gone. He probably replaced you already with that cute twink, what was his name? Yoongi?" The bald man chuckled darkly and dug his fingers into the bloody wounds.

Finally the physical and emotional pain was too much and Seokjin screamed, he screamed until he couldn't anymore. Until his throat was on fire and his lungs were empty.

The bald man was smiling as he pulled his fingers out of the wounds and wiped the blood on his pants. "See, you're not as strong as ya think pretty boy. I'll break you in no time and when I do you'll be my pretty little slave."

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