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Taehyung pov

My bones felt stiff as I struggled to move and my head was throbbing. As if a hammer was banging against the inside of my skull. I stretched my leg outwards but was stopped by something cold and hard. The lids of my eyes were heavy as I forced them open, just enough for me to glance at the object that had stopped my leg.

The blurry image was hard to make out, but the more I squinted the clearer it became. They were vertical iron bars and they were all around me, surrounding me, trapping me. I was in a cage. My heart started to race and I couldn't stop the tears from collecting in my eyes. I scrambled to sit up, the top of the cage slammed into my head but I didn't care. The hammering pain in my head couldn't get any worse.

Darkness. It was surrounding me just like in that concrete room. But this time it was different, because I was alone. Hunching over so I wouldn't hit my head, I searched the cage with my hands, feeling for any signs of a door or lock. My hands paused when they brushed over something smooth, smoother than the iron, and with an odd shaped hole on it. That has to be the lock.

"Don't move around too much, you'll hurt yourself."

I froze, goosebumps covered my skin, and a sick feeling pooled in my stomach. My eyes searched the darkness for the source of the voice but it was no use. I'm not a cat, I can't see in the dark.

"Do you want me to turn on the lights, pet?"

Pet? Is he talking to me?

"First lesson, pets always answer when asked a question."

Sharp pain suddenly bit my fingers, causing my body to slam into the cage wall behind me. The pain was still there, lingering like a ghost, and it hurt like hell.

"Now, I will ask you again. Do you want me to turn on the lights?"

"Y-yes." I gritted out through my teeth. The sharp pain slowly working its way up my arm and into my whole body. Did he electrocute me?

"Good pet."

All of a sudden, soft yellow light flooded the room, giving me a clear view of the mystery person. He was tall, lean, and had short spiky black hair. Tattoos decorated his muscular arms, along with a couple that were scattered on his neck. He was intimidating and screamed dominance. Something Jungkook used to do. I miss him.

The man smiled, revealing pearly white teeth, and a tongue stud. I swallowed hard, Jungkook used to tell me how much he wanted a tongue piercing and tattoos. This guy was extremely similar to Jungkook and it terrified me to think they were watching us. Studying us to see what we like and what turns us on or off.

"Did you enjoy the little shock?" The man asked as he sauntered towards the cage. The closer he got the more intimidating and ugly he became, he's nothing like Jungkook. "Where's Jin and Jimin?" I asked while glaring daggers at him. Or at least trying to. The man threw his head back and laughed, he laughed so hard I thought he might pass out.

"What's so funny?!" I screamed. His ridiculous laughter starting to scare me. What if this guy is a psychopath and he's here to torture me. That's probably what's going to happen. Why else would I be locked in a dog cage with a man laughing at my face. That same sharp pain suddenly rushed into my spine, sending me flying into the bars in front of me. My entire body felt like it was on fire and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying.

Through my pain I noticed the man had stopped laughing and a eerie silence had taken over the room. I pried open my eyes, which I didn't even realize were closed, and stared up at the man. We locked eyes and he smiled, "lesson two, pets never raise their voices at their masters."

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