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"Sejun where the fuck is Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled into the phone, clutching the delicate object impossibly tight in his fist.

"Wansoo told you he was going to take him down to the station for awhile," Sejun sighed through the speaker.

Hoseok grabbed the phone from Namjoon's hand and pressed the speaker button. "That was two days ago Sejun! Two fucking days!"

Sejun groaned, "okay okay...I'll talk to Wansoo and see what's going on."

"Thank you Sejun-nim," Namjoon said into the speaker.

"Of course, but boys, never talk to me like that. Ever again."

Before Namjoon could apologize, the call went silent and Hoseok tossed the phone onto the couch.

"Is Jungkook okay?" Yoongi mumbled from his spot on the armchair. He was curled up in a ball, his legs pressed against his chest, and Jimin's blanket draped over his shoulders.

Namjoon shrugged, his fingers itching to wrap around the neck of a soju bottle. "I don't know."

Yoongi nodded and buried his face in the blanket, sharp tears threatening to spill down his cheeks and ruin the material. Hoseok noticed this and crossed the room to sit with his boyfriend. He wrapped an arm around Yoongi's shoulders, pulling the elder into his side.

"Don't worry hyung-" he pressed a kiss to Yoongi's temple-"kookie is strong, he'll be okay."


Jungkook shuffled into the corner of the concrete room when he heard the unmistakable sound of heavy footfalls and deep voices. The bone chilling sounds echoed off the smooth concrete walls. Bouncing around the room, leaving him feeling trapped, like a rabbit in a cage.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around his legs and pulled them against his chest. The room had gotten warmer after he spoke with the mysterious voice, but the temperature had dropped again, and the thin clothing he was wearing was no match for the icy cold.

He watched as his breath came out in foggy whisps, dancing about in front of him before disappearing into thin air. He rolled Taehyung's earring between his fingers and kept his eyes trained on the far wall. The noises sounded the loudest in that direction but he couldn't see a door, or any crack in the concrete that would indicate a hidden passage being there. It appeared to be solid, and if Jungkook thought about it too much he found himself falling into a panic. So he shook his head, dropped his gaze to his hand, and studied the earring between his fingers.

Closing his eyes, he pictured Taehyung wearing it. It was his favorite and Jungkook recalled how he used to scold him for playing with it. Even though Taehyung would always toy with his own earrings, sometimes even biting the shell of his ear when they were getting heated. The memories were bitter sweet and Jungkook found that as time passed, they became more bitter than anything.

Jungkook jumped and the earring slipped from his fingers when a section of the concrete wall suddenly slid open. The earring bounced across the room but before he could reach for it, two men marched through the opening, forming a wall around him. The men were wearing scrubs and surgical masks, leaving only their emotionless eyes to stare at.

"Jeon Jungkook these are your escorts," the robotic voice suddenly spoke from a hidden speaker.

Jungkook's bleary eyes shifted between the two men, searching for maybe an ounce of humanity inside of them. Of course he found none.

"They are going to prepare you, make you look presentable for our boys."

Jungkook wasn't even listening to the condescending voice, he was focused on the earring, which was lying on the floor between the men's legs. He could reach it. It was only an arms length away. But the men were tense, as if they were expecting him to move, to give them any reason to pounce. He gazed back up at the men and fear settled in his limbs, hot and thick, and the idea of reaching for the earring completely left his mind.

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