The Revelation

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"And where do you think you're going?"

Namjoon turned around to see Yoongi resting in his doorway, long sleeves pulled down past his hands and balled up in his fists.

"I'm going to the police station."


Namjoon pulled off his mask and sunglasses before taking a seat on the edge of his bed, eyes focused on the blindingly white wall across from him. "For Jungkook....hyung...I called Sejun and...he said Jungkook was released two days ago." He turned to see Yoongi's reaction and sure enough he was met with watery, red rimmed eyes.

"You don't think...Joon—"

Namjoon looked away from his hyung and rubbed his hands down his face, as if that would wipe away the dark images conjuring in his mind. Of their maknae, their Jungkook, hurting. "Lets not think about that okay? You know Jungkook, maybe he's just out looking for them on his own."

Yoongi shook his head, a hand flying over his mouth to muffle his sobs. "No...he wouldn't...not now...they took him too didn't they?"


"What do you say Jungkook? Hmm? Our lovely baby boy is taking mommy's cock so good just to protect you."

Jungkook sobbed and pulled against the hands holding him, tearing his hair from his scalp, forcing him to watch every second.

"Come on Jungkook, you need to let your hyung know you're thankful, he really enjoys the praise."

Straining his eyes until his head throbbed, Jungkook managed to look up at the concrete ceiling. Anywhere but the bed. "T-thank...y-you...hyung."


Namjoon jumped off the bed, ran up to his small hyung, and wrapped the boy in his arms. Normally Yoongi would struggle against any physical contact that wasn't from his boyfriends. Yet he made no move to pull away, instead he practically melted into Namjoon's body as his tears wet the younger man's shirt.

"Shh hyung, he'll be okay, he's strong...he's our tough Kookie."


"Stop! Hyung! Hyungie pleaseee...stop! Don't—" Jungkook shook his head, choking on his tears and snot—"don't do this for me!"


Yoongi choked out a light laugh, something Namjoon hadn't heard in what felt like years. He missed it.

"What are we going to do then?" Yoongi mumbled into Namjoon's neck. "I feel like it's up to us now if nobody wants to help us...even Sejun."

Namjoon sighed, deep in thought as he traced patterns on Yoongi's back. Everything was now a risk, just stepping outside their dorm was like taking their lives into their own hands. Anyone they talked to could turn around and backstab them, could be a part of the whole conspiracy. No matter how badly he didn't want to admit it, Yoongi was right, they were on their own.

"Well...when I talked to Sejun he said that detective Wansoo was doing everything he can—"

"Which is a lie," Yoongi cut in.

Namjoon nodded. "'s really starting to feel like that. So I think we should go to the police station ourselves, just to look for some answers."

"Maybe, or maybe we should just call them?" Yoongi suggested.


Yoongi shrugged and his fingers dug ever so gently into Namjoon's shoulders. "I'm scared Joon...scared to leave the dorm...scared that they're waiting for us outside that door."

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