Cold and Concrete

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Jungkook groaned, deep in his throat, and forced his eyes to roll open. The darkness he was met with was inky and pitch-black, so much so that he thought closing his eyes would've been a better option. He tried to move but his limbs were like stone, weighted down to the hard floor by some invisible force. It was painful and everytime he tried to move a breathy grunt would leave his lips.

The sound echoed inside the room and it made Jungkook shiver with what he could tell was fear. Who wouldn't be scared waking up in a dark room with no movement in their limbs?

Jungkook blinked and forced his body from its side onto its back. His shoulder ached from the sudden relief and his brows furrowed from the bittersweet feeling. He blinked, his eyes slowly adjusting to the inky darkness, only to reveal that there was nothing in the concrete room. Save for Jungkook and his labored breaths.

He couldn't remember anything. Well he could. He remembered talking to the detective, who's name he couldn't recall, he remembered getting handcuffed, and he remembered getting thrown into the back of a car. But after that everything was a blur, a painful dark blur that he couldn't find the strength to push pass. He didn't think he wanted to anyway.

Suddenly the concrete room seemed to dip in temperature and Jungkook's skin broke out in goosebumps, his entire body trembling with the new found cold. It was painful and in front of him his breath came out in puffs of wispy fog. He wanted to curl in on himself, hold his legs to his chest and maybe cry, but he couldn't. His limbs were stiff, flat against the smooth concrete floor. His head the only thing he could move, but even the simple movement pulled his sore muscles taut.

A tear escaped his eye and slid down into his hairline, the salty liquid tickling the shell of his ear. Despite his pain and the fear bubbling in the pit of his stomach, he couldn't help but think of Taehyung.

He wondered if Taehyung was kept in the same cold, dark, depressing room. If he was drugged too and forced to lie awake, waiting for his body to cooperate. He also wondered if he was at the same place as Taehyung. If his boyfriend was merely a few rooms away, suffering just as much or maybe more.

Jungkook turned his head to the side and glared at the smooth, concrete wall that he was met with. The room couldn't have been any bigger than an office, but the darkness only made it seem smaller, claustrophobic even. More tears started to collect on his lashes when something caught his eye in the darkness. It was small, shiny, and maybe an arms length away from him. He tried to reach for it, but the only thing he could manage to move was his pinky finger.

It was frustrating and Jungkook felt the tears spill as he struggled against the invisible chains around his arm. His mouth fell open and he was shocked to find how dry it was, his tongue like a piece of stale bread.

"F...uck," he croaked and the words burned, like sandpaper being dragged along his throat.

He tried to reach for the object again, putting all his strength into the simple muscles of his arm, but all that moved was his hand. A measly twitch of his wrist but it was enough to bring on another onslaught of tears. He sucked in a deep, frigid breath and forced his body back onto its side. The muscles and bones in his shoulder screamed at him to take the pressure away, so he did, and rolled onto his stomach.

The concrete floor was cold and uncomfortable against Jungkook's cheek, but the object was closer now, a teasing breath away. Again, he tried to move his arm and he cried with happiness when the appendage flopped up next to his face. The muscles in his arm screaming in pain, each tendon coiling tight like a spring, ready to snap.

Jungkook cried, pathetic and pitchy, but he couldn't help it. Everything was aching, throbbing, and the temperature in the room felt like it dipped even lower. Freezing his body to the core. His breaths were coming out faster now, each puff of fog quicker than the last as he tried to reach for the shiny object.

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