The Reward

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Jimin blinked and the pacifier fell from his lips. "Jungkook?"

The men shoved Jungkook and he fell, hands and knees cracking hard against the floor, followed by a shoe connecting with his spine. The foot forced him down to the floor and he whimpered at the weight on his back. His voice muffled by his own cheek being pressed against the cool concrete floor.

"Don't hurt him!" Jimin crawled to the end of the bed, tears threatening to cascade down his pale cheeks. "Please! Please! don't hurt him!"

The men glanced at each other, dead eyes communicating a language that gave Jimin chills. They faced him once again, bowed, and stepped out of the room. Leaving Jungkook on the floor and Jimin clutching the metal frame of the bed's footboard. Jungkook pushed himself off the floor, slowly, his body shaking from what Jimin could assume was fear. He was shaking too, sweaty hands trembling against the metal footboard and cuffs around his wrists as he watched the maknae sit back on his haunches. He was dressed it tight leather pants and a white leather harness, and without even asking Jimin knew he was uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin whispered into the deafening silence of the room.

Jungkook's watery eyes focused on him, red and swollen with fat tears. "Hyung." He staggered to his feet and ran to the bed only to crash into Jimin's arms. They held each other from across the metal footboard but it wasn't enough and Jungkook hurriedly climbed over the metal frame.

"Its okay." Jimin stroked the damp hair on Jungkook's head and pressed every inch of their bodies together. "Hyungs here it's okay."

Jungkook sobbed into the crook of Jimin's neck, his entire body shaking with the force of his cries. Jimin cooed and massaged the skin of his nape, something he didn't realize he missed so much, something he thought he'd never get the chance of doing again.

"I love you." He kissed the cold skin of Jungkook's shoulder and buried his face in the younger's neck. "God I love you so much kook."

"Love you too hyung," Jungkook whimpered, voice muffled by how tightly they were pressed together, but neither of them wanted to let go any time soon.

"Well, well, well, isn't this a heart warming reunion?"

Chills trickled down Jimin's spine, as if death himself had stepped into the room, sucking all the warmth and happiness into his cold, dead hands. He pulled Jungkook away from him, along with a piece of his heart when he saw the terror in his maknae's round eyes. The pure shaking fear that left his gaze unfocused and mouth agape. The look didn't suit him and Jimin would kill someone if it meant never having to see Jungkook like that again.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked, voice soft and timid.

The woman smiled, her wicked eyes remaining dull, and rested on the metal footboard. "I'm the Mommy." She leaned forward, closer, and reached a hand out to the maknae's hair. "Would you like me to be your Mommy too?"

Jungkook slapped the woman's hand away and Jimin wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders. His stomach was churning, twisting into painful knots, and his heart was beating so fast he thought it would burst from his chest. The woman's smile was gone, replaced with a tight line of red lipstick, dark eyes focused solely on Jungkook.

"Don't hurt him," Jimin whispered as he held the younger impossibly tight. "Please."

The woman's eyes shifted to him and once again that sick smile twisted at her lips. Without another word she stood and lurched across the footboard to grab at Jungkook's arms.

"No!" Jimin cried and tightened his hold around the younger's torso. "You can't do this!"

"Release him this instant you brat!" The woman sneered, her grip remaining firm on the younger's arms.

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