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Hoseok squinted in the darkness of the hallway, a single light illuminating from the kitchen guiding his way. The closer he got to the kitchen the clearer the sobs became and the tighter he held the fuzzy blanket in his hands. It was Jimin's favorite blanket, it still smelled like him.

Slowly Hoseok pushed open the door, allowing the yellow light to pour into the hallway and the bitter smell of liquor to burn his nostrils. Hoseok clutched the blanket even tighter and pulled it up to his nose. The indescribable sent of Jimin soothing his heart and nerves.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok said, his voice mumbled by the soft material of the blanket. After hearing his name Yoongi's head shot up off the counter, revealing his red, puffy eyes. Yoongi didn't say a word as his eyes drifted down from Hoseok's eyes to the blanket in his hands.

"Why do you have Jimin's blanket?" Yoongi asked, still not making eye contact with Hoseok. Hoseok frowned then pulled the blanket away from his nose, "it smells like him."

Yoongi scoffed, grabbed the empty vodka bottle off the counter, and smashed it in front of Hoseok's feet. "You can't touch his blanket! You'll taint it with your smell!" He screamed at the terrified younger. Hoseok took careful steps away from the shattered glass but despite his efforts he still felt a piece get lodged into his foot. "Let go of his blanket!" Yoongi screamed, fresh tears now running down his blotchy cheeks. Hoseok shook his head while blinking hot tears out of his eyes. He knew Yoongi didn't mean any of this, he's just drunk.

Yoongi let out a frustrated yell before stepping forward, shards of glass immediately piercing the delicate skin of his feet. "Yoongi stop, you're hurting yourself." Hoseok warned as he watched his boyfriend take drunken steps across the glass. Yoongi didn't listen and with each step drops of blood were left behind.

Hoseok stumbled out of the kitchen when Yoongi finally reached him, a murderous look set in the elders eyes. A loud thud rang out in the quiet dorms when Yoongi shoved Hoseok into the wall. The sharp stench of liquor permeated everything that is Yoongi and it burned Hoseok's nostrils. He never thought he'd see Yoongi like this again. So broken, so angry, so sad.

"Give me his fucking blanket," Yoongi sneered. Hoseok shoved the blanket into his boyfriend's chest, he didn't feel like arguing with him anymore. Especially when he's this drunk. Yoongi held the material with shaky hands and caressed it, as if it was really Jimin he was holding.

"I...I miss him..s-so much." Yoongi whispered, his voice cracking with another onslaught of tears and drunken emotions. This time Hoseok didn't blink away the tears and let them fall. He hated seeing Yoongi like this and he hated thinking about Jimin. Their beautiful and pure boyfriend, taken, by some creeps who probably wanted him for sex and nothing more.

"It should've been me."

Hoseok refocused his attention to Yoongi, who was now collapsed on the blood stained floor, Jimin's blanket still clutched tight in his hands. "Don't say that Yoongi," Hoseok whispered. He wanted to comfort the elder, they were boyfriends after all. But ever since Jimin was kidnapped it's as if they're complete strangers. "It's my f-fault they took him, I-I should've protected him." Yoongi cried into the blanket. Hoseok shushed the elder as he crouched down and pulled him into a hug. The hug was warm, healing, and with Jimin's blanket between them. It was almost as if he was there. Yoongi scrambled to wrap his arms around Hoseok, to bring them closer in any way possible. It made Hoseok's heart flutter, his hyung still loved him.

"Lets get you cleaned up." Hoseok scooped Yoongi into his arms and stood up, the piece of glass burying deeper in his foot. Yoongi rested his head in the crook of Hoseok's neck, his warm breaths disrupted by the stench of alcohol.

"I'm sorry I'm so weak." Yoongi whispered as Hoseok brought them into the bathroom. Hoseok didn't respond, he didn't know how. He was mad at the elder for reverting back to alcohol but at the same time he understood why he did it. He has his own ways of coping with the pain too, and his isn't any better.

"You're not weak babe." Hoseok mumbled, the veins in his arms bulging as he set the elder on the counter. Before tending to his boyfriends wounds, Hoseok lifted his own foot and pulled out the fairly large piece of glass. He tossed it into the garbage and when he looked back at Yoongi the elder had tears slipping down his cheeks. "Baby, shhhh, don't cry." Hoseok cooed while using his thumbs to brush away the tears. Yoongi shook his head and pushed away the youngers hands, yet his legs unconsciously wrapped around Hoseok's waist. Pulling him closer.

Hoseok responded silently to the gesture by pulling Yoongi into another hug. This wasn't the time for words anyway. Instead of cleaning Yoongi's feet, Hoseok held his sniffling and drunk boyfriend. Because he needed this just as much as Yoongi did.

"I love you Hoseok," Yoongi whispered.

"I love you too."

(I wanna drop out of school. Sorry for the slow updates, love you guys!💕)

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