Guilt part2

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Namjoon groaned as he stumbled into the dorm, an empty bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand. The throbbing pain in his head was becoming too much and all he wanted to do was sleep with his boyfriend.

He needs Seokjin, now.

Namjoon flinched when the sound of shattering glass filled his ears. He looked down and grimaced when he saw the shattered whiskey bottle next to his feet. Namjoon knew the responsible thing to do was to clean up the glass but the throbbing in his skull was too much, and all he wanted to do was be with his boyfriend. Was that too much to ask?

Slowly Namjoon stumbled down the hallway towards his and Seokjin's room. He froze in front of the bathroom where light was shining beneath the door. He could hear crying, talking, screaming, cursing. If Namjoon wasn't shitfaced then he'd be a good leader and check on his bandmates. But his head was throbbing too much, his stomach was churning, and he was longing for the comforting touch of his boyfriend. So Namjoon pretended not to hear the voices and continued to stumble towards his room.

Namjoon swung open the bedroom door and sighed when his eyes landed on the bed in the center of the room. A mop of dark brown hair poking out of the sheets. While walking to the bed Namjoon removed his shirt and jeans, leaving him in just his boxers. "Jinnie." Namjoon cooed as he climbed on top of the body shaped lump. Namjoon leaned forward and kissed the mop of hair, the smell of shampoo still lingering on the soft strands. "Babe wake up." Namjoon whispered while kissing down the side of the boys neck.

The boy shifted beneath Namjoon so that he was facing him and squinted at him in the darkness. "Hyung?" The boy whispered. Namjoon smirked, he loved when Seokjin got kinky. "I thought you preferred to call me daddy?" He slurred into the boys ear.

"Hyung what are you talking about? Get off me." The boy groaned as he pushed Namjoon off him and onto his back. Namjoon squinted at the boy in the darkness, "Seokjin?"

The boy shook his head, "it's Jungkook...hyung..Jin is gone."

The words physically pushed Namjoon back and stole his breath. All the memories from the past week rushing into his head. The image of Seokjin's terrified face as they took him. The memory of Seokjin's body collapsing to the floor from the drugs. All of them, permanently replaying in his mind.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jungkook asked but Namjoon wasn't listening. He needed fresh air and to get out of the maknae's room, now. Namjoon tried to climb off the bed but Jungkook grabbed him and stared into his eyes through the darkness, "hyung are you drunk? Do you need help?"

Namjoon felt shame course through his veins but also anger. Drunken anger that he couldn't control or stop before it was too late. Using all his strength, Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pushed him into the headboard of the bed. The maknae whimpered and gripped his head, his entire body shaking from pain. Namjoon froze, what did he just do?

"J-Jungkook?" Namjoon whispered, his hands hovering over the youngers body. Jungkook groaned but he didn't look up and kept his hands pressed against the back of his head. "Jungkook...are you okay?" Namjoon asked and leaned forward to try and get a better look at the younger. What he didn't expect to see though was blood, dark red blood staining the maknae's fingers which were clutching his skull.

He didn't think he pushed him that hard.

"Hold on kookie." Quickly Namjoon stumbled out of the bed and made his way into the bathroom that was connected to the youngers room. The bright lights inside the room burned Namjoon's eyes and only seemed to amplify his raging headache. They were too hot, too bright. It was all too much and for a second Namjoon forgot what he was looking for. Until he saw the tissues and with shaky hands he pulled out a couple and crumpled them into a ball.

Using the hot, bright lights from the bathroom. Namjoon climbed back into the bed and pulled Jungkook's quivering body closer to him. The younger was sniffling and shaking and crying and bleeding and it was all too much. Namjoon needed Seokjin, he'd know what to do.

Gently Namjoon removed Jungkook's hands and pressed the tissue ball against the cut. Immediately the white tissues turned a muddy red and Jungkook hissed from the contact. Namjoon's head also ached harder and his heart grew heavier and his stomach churned more. It was all too much. The guilt, the lights, the alcohol, the blood. Everything was all too much and the only person that Namjoon knew could make it better was Jin.

[guys I'm really sorry for ignoring this book but thank you for giving it so much love and getting it to 10k!]

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