Old Habits Die Hard

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*warning, self harm*

Yoongi slid the glass bottle across the granite counter. The ridged bottom of the bottle scraped along the smooth surface until it fell into Hoseok's hand. Hoseok wrapped his fingers around the thin neck of the soju bottle, brought it to his lips, and swallowed a bitter swig.

The corner of Yoongi's lips quirked into a smirk, imagining Hoseok's lips wrapped around something else.

Hoseok set the bottle down and slid it back to Yoongi, who replicated his boyfriends actions. The bitter liquid ran down Yoongi's throat but instead of sliding the bottle back to Hoseok, he kept his fingers wrapped firmly around the neck, a smirk still adorning his features.

"What are you smirking about?" Hoseok asked, trying to lean closer to Yoongi from across the counter.

Yoongi shrugged and took another swig of the burning liquid. "Nothing," he slurred.

Hoseok reached across the counter to try and grab the bottle, but Yoongi pulled it away. Hoseok's hand slapped against the granite and he narrowed his eyes at the elder. Yoongi's smirk deepened before he brought the bottle to his lips again, swallowing down the last drops of the alcohol.

"How rude hyunnng," Hoseok whined. "That was our last bottle."

Yoongi slid the bottle away from them and leaned close enough to smell the alcohol off Hoseok's breath. "Would you like to wrap your lips around something else?" Yoongi whispered, his heavy words laced with the stench of soju.

Hoseok scoffed, "what do you have in mind hyung?"

Instead of responding, Yoongi shoved his body forward, crashing his chapped lips against Hoseok's. The edge of the granite counter stabbed painfully into Yoongi's pelvis, probably bruising his pale skin, but Hoseok's lips were a nice distraction. The way they were stained with the taste of soju, bitter and almost strong enough for Yoongi to get drunk on.

In the past, Hoseok and Jimin's lips were the only thing Yoongi needed to get drunk. To feel that warm buzz beneath his skin. To forget about his problems and stress. But now, he needed the neck of a soju bottle in his fist, needed the burning liquid running down his throat, sitting heavy in his stomach. Waiting, bubbling, for the moment he took his last sip of the night and ended up on his knees over a toilet.

Hoseok broke the kiss, eyes lidded, breath heavy, and stepped around the counter separating them. He wrapped his arm around Yoongi's slim waist, maybe a little too slim, but he was too drunk on soju and lust to notice. Yoongi dug his fingers into the muscles of Hoseok's shoulders and gazed into his lidded eyes. They were glassy, blown wide with alcohol, because Hoseoks always been a lightweight.

"Fuck me." Yoongi rocked his hips against Hoseok's. "Fuck me right now."

Hoseok groaned, deep in his throat, and pressed his nose into the crook of Yoongi's neck. "Okay hyung." He inhaled the elders musk and pressed a wet kiss to the pale skin. He reached down and grabbed Yoongi's thighs, lifting him off the floor. The elder locked his ankles behind Hoseok's back as they stumbled into their bedroom. Delicious pressure being placed onto his cock from the press of their bodies together.

Hoseok dropped Yoongi's body onto the bed, rather ungracefully, and began to throw off his clothes. Yoongi watched with hooded eyes, hypnotized by his boyfriends body, which has been hidden from him for weeks.

Hoseok dropped to his hands and knees and caged Yoongi in his arms. For a while he just stared, admiring his gorgeous hyung. With his flushed cheeks, glassy eyes, and pretty pink lips. He was the definition of delicate and Hoseok would die to protect him.

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