Cockrings & Flames

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Heavy breaths were leaving Seokjin's lips as he gripped the chains that were securing his wrists to the headboard. A vibrating cockring the cause of his labored breaths. It was painful and uncomfortable and all he wanted was for it to come off.

"Are ya enjoying it slave?" The man asked as he circled the bed. Enjoying the way his slave was putting on a show as he writhed and wriggled like a worm on a hook.

Seokjin didn't bother to answer the man, he knew he'd be punished but at this point nothing could be more painful than the cockring. He couldn't even remember how long he's been on the bed, having dry orgasm after dry orgasm. It was absolute torture and he could feel himself losing more and more of his sanity as the seconds ticked by.

"Answer me slave." The man climbed onto the bed and pulled out a lighter from his jeans, "or else I'll punish you."

Seokjin felt new tears collect in his already swollen eyes as he stared at the small yet dangerous device. He couldn't decide what was worse. Throwing away his dignity and answering to a pig, or keeping his mouth shut and accepting the punishment. Which would leave scars, scars that would never fade.

"It hurts," Seokjin whimpered and he felt sick and disgusted. Disgusted with himself because he was weak, already so weak and he doesn't even think he's been there for very long. Or maybe he has, time isn't really a concept to him anymore.

The man smirked and flicked the lighter on with his thumb, the orange flame appearing out of thin air. Seokjin's eyes widened and he wanted to beg for mercy, he could feel the words on his tongue but he couldn't do it. He wasn't ready to stoop that low.

The man noticed Seokjin's panic and smiled, his thumb dancing over the seemingly delicate orange flame. "My favorite punishment has always been fire play. I love to see my slave's skin cook under the flame."

The man rested his thumb over the flame, long enough to leave an angry red burn. He smiled at the burn before directing his attention back to Seokjin, who was struggling to hold back his sobs. The man smoothed his hand over Seokjin's stomach and quivering thighs, his fingers grazing ever so lightly over the wounds on his thighs. Despite the gentle touch, Seokjin's thighs still started to sting, which only added to the pain in his throbbing red cock.

"Please," Seokjin squeaked. Unable to hold it back any longer. The man's eyes flickered up to his but they didn't soften, no, instead they filled with lust and fire.

"Please what? Please hurt ya because you're a disobedient little shit?" The man questioned.

Seokjin shook his head and released a sob when he saw the flame flicker back to life. He can't handle it, he can't handle any of this and he was stupid to think he could. He just wants Namjoon. He wants him to come bursting through the doors and save him. But he knows that will never happen and he'll probably end up dying here, a shell of his former self.

"No!" Seokjin sobbed when the man hovered the flame over his thigh, the already sensitive skin reacting immediately to the heat. He tried to move away from the flame but his ankles were also chained to the bed, which left no room for movement.

"Agh! Please...stop!" Seokjin continued to cry as the heat seared into his skin, surely leaving behind permanent marks.

"Shut ya mouth slave before I shut it for ya!" The man demanded but Seokjin ignored him and continued to cry and scream and call for help, which he knew was never coming.

Finally the man had had enough and moved the lighter dangerously close to Seokjin's erect cock. Successfully shutting him up.

"Either you shut up or I burn ya cute little cock, understand?" He asked, his thumb resting on the lighter ready to flick it on.

Seokjin was about to nod but then remembered that a nod wasn't an acceptable answer, he was a slave, and slaves have to answer to their owners. "Yes Sir, I understand."

[do you guys think my third person pov is absolute shit or is it just me? 😂 also I haven't slept properly in over a week so sorry if there are any errors I didn't catch]

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