Dog Food

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Taehyung held his thighs against his chest as he waited in the corner of the room for the return of his supposed Master. He hasn't been back since he made Taehyung suck him off. And Taehyung couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing. It was good because that meant no pain and humiliation, but it was bad because what if they forgot about him? And he was forced to rot, alone, hungry, and cold.

He was cold. Freezing without his clothes and the polished hardwood floor beneath him definitely wasn't providing any warmth. Suddenly Taehyung remembered Jungkook, and how the younger kept him warm. He always kept him warm and safe, no matter what the situation was. That was probably his favorite thing about Jungkook, his ability to make him feel safe.

He doesn't feel safe in this place. And all he wanted was for Jungkook to hold him, even if it was just for a second, he just wants to feel the youngers warmth one last time. Before he probably dies a cruel and painful death.

"Did you miss me pet?"

Taehyung jolted awake from his thoughts and looked up at the large metal door where the man was standing, a new paper bag clutched in his hand.

"You look so cute and small in the corner, but why don't you come out to greet your Master?" The man said with a taunting smile, probably waiting to see if Taehyung learned his lesson about disobeying. He didn't. And when Taehyung didn't move or make any signs that he was going to, the man felt disappointed but pleased. Because it meant he got to teach him another lesson.

Taehyung shrunk more into the corner as the man approached him. He was smiling but it wasn't a friendly smile like Jungkook's, it was maniacal and it terrified him. The man continued to approach him until he was feet from Taehyung's body. He crouched down and grabbed the little gold bell that was hanging from Taehyung's collar. He spun it in his fingers a couple times before grabbing the entire collar and yanking Taehyung out of the corner.

Taehyung stumbled forward and landed on his face, his arms too stiff and rigid from the cold to stop himself from falling. The man clicked his tongue and gave the collar a shake, letting Taehyung know he had to get up. Except he ignored the man, and opted to lie on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum. The idea of acting like a child reminded Taehyung of Jimin, who he selfishly hasn't thought of in awhile. He wondered if Jimin has ever thought of him while they've been here. He hoped he did.

"Either you get up or I kick your head into the floor that you seem to love so much." The man threatened, his patience running thin fairly quick. The threat terrified Taehyung, so against his better judgment, he lifted his body up and got onto his hands and knees. It hurt, his bones against the wood, but he was sure that his skull against the wood would've hurt more.

The man smiled, muttered a good boy, then tugged Taehyung towards the middle of the room. "Sit," the man commanded. Taehyung bowed his head so he could hide his shame then sat like a dog would. Humiliation burned Taehyung's cheeks but he knew that a punishment would only burn more.

"Good boy, looks like you're not as dumb as I thought you were." The man chuckled before releasing the collar and opening up the paper bag. On one hand Taehyung wanted to try and listening to the contents in the bag, but on the other hand he never wants to know what's in that fucking bag.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw a bowl of what looked like dog food being set in front of him. He couldn't believe it. Here he thought it couldn't get any worse but he was wrong, so wrong it hurt. "Eat it." The man said and Taehyung couldn't stop himself from looking up at him in disbelief. The man's lips curled into a smile, "you must be hungry, so eat it."

Taehyung frowned and shifted his gaze back to the bowl. It was true that he was hungry, he was so hungry that he couldn't even feel the sensation of hunger anymore. But the dry dog food sitting in the bowl was not something Taehyung wanted to put into his empty stomach.

Taehyung whimpered when the man grabbed a fistful of his hair and jerked his head up, forcing him to stare into his cold eyes. "Are you going to eat it or do I have to force you?" The man asked, finishing the sentence with a taunting smile. Taehyung's eyes filled with tears as he thought about the idea of being force fed dog food. He didn't enjoy having a dick forced down his throat, so he doubts he'll enjoy dog food.

"I'll eat it," Taehyung mumbled. The man nodded then released his hair, waiting with a smirk for him to begin eating. Taehyung glared at the food through his tears, his stomach already starting to churn from just the thought of ingesting the food made for animals. He wasn't an animal and he refused to believe it, no matter how hard his supposed Master tried to convince him.

"Fucking hell!" The man groaned before grabbing the back of Taehyung's head and slamming it into the bowl. Taehyung cringed as sharp pain shot up his nose and spread over his entire face. The pain traveled up his nerves and into his eyes, forcing all the hot tears that he's been holding back to fall. "You're too fucking slow pet and I'm impatient." The man said then lifted Taehyung's head and threw him to the floor.

Taehyung's body smacked against the hardwood and he cringed when the metallic taste of blood settled on his tongue. He lifted his hand and wiped at his upper lip, which left a streak of dark red liquid on his hand. The bowl had busted his lip and for some reason the only thing he was worried about was if Jungkook would still love him after all of this ended. Well, if it ever ends.

"Sit up," the man commanded.

Surprising himself, Taehyung immediately sat up and stared into the hateful eyes of the man. The man smirked and that's when Taehyung noticed the tent in his jeans. The man reached forward and grabbed Taehyung by his collar, pulling him closer and closer until his face was inches from his crotch. "You should've eaten the food pet, now you're going to eat Master's cock."

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