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"Sejun please, we have to do something!" Namjoon yelled at their manager. Sejun glared at Namjoon for yelling at him but he didn't speak. Namjoon groaned and turned away, hot tears already starting to burn his eyes.

"P-please Manager-nim...they've been missing f-for three days." Jungkook cried, the image of Taehyung being ripped out of his arms still glued to his mind.

Yoongi frowned and turned away from the maknae, he couldn't stand to see the boy cry. Hoseok noticed his boyfriends distress and tried to hold him, only for Yoongi to shrug him off.

Sejun turned away from the boys. "I'll hire a private investigator but I don't want any police involved in this. It could ruin your reputations."

Namjoon was shocked. How could Sejun care about reputation at a time like this? "Do you not care about them?!"

Sejun frowned, he didn't appreciate being yelled at.

"Jimin is probably out there being raped and you don't even care!" Yoongi cried.

Hoseok grimaced, he hated seeing Yoongi like this, and he didn't even want to think about what might be happening to Jimin.

"Don't you dare yell at me Min Yoongi," Sejun threatened.

Yoongi stepped back slightly but he wasn't backing down. "We need to fucking do something! Because I won't sit around while my boyfriend and my best friends are out there being tortured!" His normally pasty white cheeks turning a deep red.

The room went silent except for Yoongi's heavy breathing and Jungkook's sniffles. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But instead of a knife, Sejun decided to use his hand.

The smack was loud and powerful. So powerful that it knocked Yoongi onto his butt and turned his left cheek an even angrier red.

"Don't ever yell at me again! Do you understand Min Yoongi?!" Sejun growled, his large body towering over Yoongi's crumpled frame.

Yoongi nodded slowly as tears trickled down his swollen cheeks, "yes Manager-nim."

Sejun scoffed, grabbed his phone out of his pocket, then left the dorm without another word. Leaving all the boys in shock. Hoseok was the first to move. He kneeled down next to Yoongi and helped the quivering elder into his arms. Hoseok and Yoongi left the room without a word and nobody stopped them. Jungkook was the next to leave, Namjoon wanted to stop him because he didn't trust the maknae to be alone at a time like this. But he knew Jungkook would just get mad and that's the last thing he wants.

Tears slipped down Namjoon's cheeks and onto the floor as he stood in the living room all alone. He could still picture Seokjin being taken from him. He could still hear Seokjin's cries as he was forced into the men's hands. Namjoon wanted to scream, punch a wall, break something, hurt someone, kill someone. But mostly he just wanted his boyfriend back in his arms and his friends back in his life.

Namjoon clenched his fists, all the sadness quickly turning to anger. "I'll find you Seokjin, and when I do...those fuckers will be sorry they ever messed with us."

(Ah sorry for the short update. It sucked I know 😂 I just really want to get the introduction crap over with and get into the juicy shit already. Thanks for reading! 💕)

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