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(Long overdue I'm sorry, I won't be updating any of my others stories until this one is done which will be soon)

"LIA YOU ARE LITERALLY SO BEAUTIFUL!!" Maddy screamed as she walked onto the bus.

I sat next to Alex and watched as Asha and Maddy began to fan girl over how beautiful Lia looked, I wasn't surprised at their reactions at all because no one has seen Lia in a dress ever except for me but even then that was years ago before Lia went through puberty.

"Lia you are such a Goddess, an absolute Goddess! I was expecting you the one to be wearing the suit!" Asha said as she hugged Lia.

"Stop expecting things of them then, that's where you fucked up," Lia said as she slightly pushed Asha away and climbed back onto the pole.

I chuckled and watched as she swung around with Matty and Asha cheering her on. The only people left that we had to pick up were Amelia and Justin who were surprisingly going to prom together, something I never would have expected.

It was great finally seeing Lia having fun and not having a worry in the world but I couldn't help but think back at my house when I noticed those fresh marks on her thigh that she tried to cover. i wanted to confront her about them, I really did but I also didn't want to spoil this night for anyone, especially Lia.

The bus finally stopped at our final stop before the prom venue and we all excitedly waited and watched to see Justin and Amelia walk onto the bus, arms linked together and smiling.

"What's up losers! Holy shit is that Lia?! You're beautiful dude!" Justin fan girled once his eyes landed on Lia.

Justin had on black satin dress pants with a white suit jacket and black button up shirt underneath. Amelia on the other hand looked absolutely whimsical and I honestly wasn't surprised.

Her dress was a dusty rose flowy floor length dress that had flower like lace at the bottom of it and straps at the top to match the bottom. There was a big pink bow to tie it all off in the middle. Her hair was in a crown like braid with little delicate flowers expertly placed all around her braid just a jewels on a crown.

She looked absolutely adorable.

"Lia what a beautiful surprise! Your spirit is shining bright through your outfit and your aura is radiating!" Amelia said as she trotted over to Lia and pulled her in for a big hug.

Lia looked over Amelia's shoulder and looked down at me with such a confused and amused expression on her face. Amelia let go of Lia and turned to me with a sincerely happy expression to her face.

"Clarity the suit really compliments you! You look so sophisticated and mature!" Amelia said as she sat down next to me, bouncing up and down with joy.

"Amelia you look like a beautiful faerie in that dress," I pointed out, complimenting her outfit.

"Now doesn't seem like my time to shine, Lia has stole the show and I love her energy," Amelia said as Justin sat down next to her and draped his arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

Everyone stopped laughing and cheering as we all turned to look down at Justin and Amelia with amazed expressions.

"What? Am I that handsome?" Justin asked as he noticed all of us staring at them both.

"What the hell is this about? You and Amelia? What happened to Damien?" Alex questioned with such a surprised expression on his face.

"Damien and I broke up remember silly? Justin and I are actually very good friends and we get along very well even though he is constantly trying to make a move on me despite me being his friend's ex girlfriend," Amelia smiled as her eyes twinkled.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now