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(The song is called loving someone by The 1975, in case you didn't catch it)

Its been almost 2 weeks since Lia has been in the hospital and I've been dying without her. I missed her smile, her laugh, her smirk, I missed everything about her.

I focused my energy on all of her college applications and mine also and made sure she wasn't behind on anything but it was killing me not having her here with me.

"I think I want to buy Lia a dress for prom." I told Alex as we both sat on my bed, going through papers for prom, college, graduation and etc.

"I think Lia would look hot as fuck in a dress but she won't wear it." Alex smirked as he looked up from his laptop.

"I really want her to wear a flowy and elegant dress for prom though, I want her to show off her beautiful curves." I whined.

"Prom is overrated anyway, you spend a shit ton of money on some attire for one night and never wear it again." Alex rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't being spending a lot of money, my mother is making my dress for me." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Whatever, I'm only going because Abigail wants to go to our prom and not hers." Alex smiled a little goofily.

"So are you two a thing now since her boyfriend broke up with her for cheating?" I narrowed my eyes.

He stayed silent and looked back down at his laptop. I continued putting money in different envelopes and filling out paperwork for different things for Lia and I. I had her caught up on all things she wasn't even caught up on before she was sent to the hospital.

"By the way thanks for coming over, I know you would have better things to do with your saturday morning." I smiled.

"No problem, I know how much you enjoy my company." He smirked. There's that well known smirk.

My phone began going on and I looked down to see a unknown caller and I groaned. This number was calling me all morning and all I wanted to see was Abigail's number light up on my screen telling me that Lia is awake.

"Stupid tellermarketers." I groaned.

Just then Alex phone began to ring as mine silenced.

"Hello?" He answered.

His face immediately lit up as he jumped up from the bed and scurried around for his shoes.

"We'll be right there!" He said excitedly.

"What's happening?" I asked as he hung up the phone.

"That was Lia's mom, she said Lia is awake and she tried calling you all day." He said quickly and ran out of the room.

I quickly grabbed my shoes and raced down after Alex and slid my shoes on.

"Mom we are going to the hospital, LIAISAWAKEOKAYBYE!!!" I screamed and ran out the door.

Alex was already in the car with the engine on as I raced toward him. The moment I hopped into the car, Alex took off.

He was going dangerously fast but right now I didn't mind, all I wanted to do was see Lia. We pulled up to the hospital in amazing time and literally ran to the front desk.

We anxiously waited as the nurse at the front desk checked us in and then bolted down the hall till we came up to Abigail and her mother.

"We......got...here.........as fast......as we could." Alex said while catching his breath.

"The doctor said only two visitors at a time." Her mother smiled at us.

I looked at the door in front of me and a million thoughts began to swirl in my mind.

"It's okay Clarity, go ahead." Alex reassured me as if reading my mind.

I reached for the door handle and slowly turned it as I felt it in my hands.

I peeked my head through the door and noticed Lia the same way she was before. Head in a neck brace, cuts and bruises on her face, eyes shut but this time her face looked wet from tears, she no longer had the tube in her mouth but she still had needles in her arms.

"Lia?" I said as Alex and I fully stepped into the room.

Immediately her eyes shot open as she looked around the room until her eyes landed on us.

I couldn't help myself but my eyes began to water at the sight of her, I walked over to her and caressed her cheek with my hand.

"Hi." Was all I could say.

"Hi." She said but it came out all raspy and gross.

I grabbed the cup of water on the side table and held it up to her lips.

"Thank you." She said as I moved the cup away from her.

"How ya feeling Lia?" Alex asked as he stepped forward.

"I've been better." She tried to shrug her shoulders but failed.

She instantly looked down and placed a hand on her stomach.

"I'm so sorry Lia, I-"

"It's fine, I didn't want someone like Nathan to be the father, plus I knew it wasn't going to survive." Tears ran down her face as she looked down.

I carefully climbed into bed with her and rested my head on her chest.

"I finished everything for you, college applications, senior dues, prom tickets and attire which we are going to together." I told her as I grabbed her hand.

"Thank you." Was all she said as she squeezed my hand.

Alex sat down in the chair next to us as we laid their quietly, unsure of what to say.

"Why me?" I heard Lia whisper.

I looked up and noticed her lip quivering and her eyes watering again. I could literally hear my heart breaking at the sight of her. I wanted nothing more than to make all her pain go away.

"Lia it will get better I promise you, I love you too much to see you cry." I held her hand tighter and wiped her tears away.

She looked up at me with her stormy grey eyes and I knew one thing that was going to happen for sure.

Things were only going to get better for us and there was no turning back in our relationship.

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