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We sat up in my room eating ice cream as we just sat in silence.

"Have you gave thought to prom yet?" I asked as I tried scooping out a large chunk of cookie from my cookies and cream ice cream.

"Holy shit balls, I totally forgot about prom, I was more so distracted with college." She groaned.

"Are you gonna wear a dress to prom?" I giggled.

I've only ever seen Lia in a dress twice in her life, one time when she was 6 years old and when she was 8. On both occasions she was going to church.

"Clarity shut up I'm not gonna wear a dress." I pouted my lips.

"Well what are you doing for college?" I asked.

"I'm hoping State college will give me a full athletic scholarship, I'll most likely major in psychology."

"That's like 4 hours away from here." I said quietly.

"The farther the better." She said as she scooped ice cream into her mouth.

"Are you girls okay in there?" My father knocked on the door.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"Your mother wanted me to come check on you guys for some reason." He said as he opened the door.

"Your mom doesn't want us hardcore fuc- I mean banging in here." She winked at me.

"Um wow okay, I feel uncomfortable so I'm gonna go back downstairs." My father said as he quickly closed the door.

"Patrick is so sweet and nice, I love making him feel uncomfortable." Lia chuckled.

"You're such a jerk, you can't say things like that in front of my parents." I rolled my eyes.

"Your parents have known me for about 12 years, they should already be used to the words coming out of my mouth." She said as she laid on the bed.

I looked at her and really admired her figure. She had a small waist and wider hips and made her curvy, it made me kind of envious because I didn't really have much hips and my breast were on the smaller side.

So I did what any best friend would do if they started getting jeslous of their best friends body.

I punched her in the tit.

What the fuck Clarity that hurt!" She shouted and groaned.

"It was supposed to hurt." I said blankly.

"Why did you do that?!" She clutched herself and rolled around on the bed.

"Cause you act like such a dude but yet you have the most perfect womanly body." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry your shaped like a fucking stick." She whined.

I missed times like this, we would make fun of each other, abuse each other for fun and eat junk food, now, ever since we confessed our feelings for each other, Ive been learning a whole new side of Lia, a side that I don't like but I will be willing to heal that side of her.

"You have to kiss it to make it better." She whimpered.

"Im not kissing your boob." I pushed her away.

"Your right you wanna do so much more with it." She smirked.

I couldn't help myself but I felt my face turning bright red so I turned away.

"You're so nasty." She chuckled and threw a pillow at my head.

I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head.

I watched as she laid back down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, thinking hard about something. There was clear pain in her eyes that she was trying to distract herself from but no matter what, she couldn't escape from it.

Abusive father.
Abusive mother.
Torn family.
Depression and anxiety.
And a best friend that's hurting her too.

I crawled over to her and sat right on top of her lap.

"Clarity I don't wanna have sex." Lia groaned and covered her eyes.

"Im not trying to have sex with you, I just want you to look at me." I pleaded.

She moved her hands away from her beautiful stormy eyes and stared straight into mine.

"Im so sorry." I apologized.

"How many times are you gonna apologize?" She questioned.

"As many times as I need to."

"Well stop it!" She said frustrated.

I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss upon her lips, just a little kiss not to start anything up.

But of course when I did that my mom decided to burst into my room.

I screamed and fell off of Lia's lap as she quickly sat up and turned to my mother. We all just stood there for the longest looking at each other, it seemed as though my mother didn't know what to say.

"Clarity I want to have a talk with you later, until then your room door stays open." She quickly said and walked downstairs.

"Well that was awkward." Lia chuckled.

I put my head in my hands and huffed loudly.

"I wasn't even trying to do anything sexual, what if I get in trouble?"

Lia snorted then laughed. "Your mom is like the most understanding person I know, you're not gonna get in trouble."

She walked towards the door and stopped before she walked out.

"I think you guys do need to talk though, you haven't been talking to your mother lately."

I heard her walk down the stairs and say goodbye to my parents.

I cautiously walked down the stairs to see my mother sitting on the couch watching tv. She looked up at me, turned the tv off and patted the seat next to her.

"Clarity do you like Lia?" She asked as I sat down.

"Yes I think I do."

"So do you still like guys too?" She asked.

"Yes I do."

"So are you bisexual or bicurious?"

I scrunched up my face in thought. "I don't know I've never felt this before to any other girl before."

"Well no matter how masculine Lia acts, she still a girl so we'll keep this talk about your sexuality on the back burner."

"Are you mad?" I asked stupidly.

"No I'm not mad, I would never be mad at something like that, plus at least Lia can't get you pregnant." She chuckled.

She turned to me and looked at me seriously. "Just know I'm here to talk if you're ever unsure of anything, you can talk to me about anything." She opened her arms and I gave her a hug.

If only Lia had a mother like mine, she wouldn't be so damaged.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now